Christian Nationalists Warn: You Trans Will Have a Millstone Around Your Necks
There should be a website where we could learn who religious conservatives plan to demonize each month. They hate so many their list has no end.
It helps understand crazies to have them lay out their minds for all to see. One of the best recent ones is a State Senator in Oklahoma, Sen. David Bullard. He is championing his bill called "The Millstone Act."
The Millstone Act is based on the Bible, Matt. 18:6. There we learn
But whoever causes one of the little ones who believe in me to sin, it's better a heavy millstone be hung around his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Senator Bullard believes all trans people have their eyes focused on children with the intent of making every child change from their gender assigned at birth to the opposite of to gender indeterminant. All the other issues facing our society are dwarfed by this "huge" threat to ever youth.
I don't understand the numbers here. If, for example, half of the children at any time are male and 50% female, and all of them changed, what would be accomplished. Would the evil trans people then want all children to constantly change back and forth?
Another thing I can't follow why trans people are the most "evil" among all the perceived "evils." Wait, now I'm remembering an almost identical period a few years ago. Then gay marriage was the "evil" of all "evils." More than one commenter on this blog was convinced approval of gay marriage was the long-awaited signal of sin that Jesus will soon return. All we have to do today is simply cross out "gay marriage" and insert "trans" and we have the simple narrative to repeats itself over and over in conservative Christianity. I have called this the "Leader Board" taken from golf. The Christian leader board has the current hot button sin and each past leader slips off the board.
I think some enterprising person should market an inflatable "millstone." That way a ceremonial millstone could be hung on me but I could use is as a floating device.
hey old man. strange that you should talk about "hate". for my money you are one of the best haters around these days. and do you think that it is a good thing to promote the trans ideology to young children? apparently it's happening in some places.
ReplyDeletetsm "and do you think it is a good thing to promote the trans ideology to young children?"
DeleteI see you read and/or listen to the bull$hit peddled by Republican politicians. "Trans ideology" is not promoted anywhere by anyone. I know that because there is no such thing as "trans ideology." If a store gave you a $3 bill in change and said, "A Republican politician said this is legitimate money." you would say, "Oh, well, OK then."
There are schools and individuals, such as myself, who simply accept that there are people who were assigned a gender at birth who are certain they are a different gender. Some are certain they are of both genders. Accepting there are such people is not "trans ideology." It is simply stating the Bible is incorrect, God did not create male and female. In fact, God did not create either because there is no God. Trans are part of the variation in humans that has been present, so far as we know, ever since there have been humans.
Reading something besides what Republican operatives say and write would be healthy for your mind.
same old bullshit. homosexuality is "natural"? trans is natural. if true it sounds as if we are talking about a perverse mutation. but I am not inclined to take your word for these so-called points. it's easy to make up history, history that supposedly verifies your 21st century woldview. and if male and female are not the norm, why are there so many males and females around? gender confusion and all that appears to make up a very small portion of the population. again, perverse mutation? BTW what horse ae you going to ride next? kind of run out of causes: abortion. homosexuality, gender confusion? what next? and why have we suddenly finding an increase of gender confused kids. may it have something to do with the trans fad?
Deletetsm "trans ideology", "gender confused", "perverse mutation"
ReplyDeleteSince you do not have the background to understand certain things, I'll take the time to explain. Those three terms are all political. You will not find them anywhere in academic or professional publications. They are part of the Christain/Republican genre to demonize selected groups in society.
Then, you mix up the concepts of "the norm" and the diversity that is part of human history. There are things that occur as part of human history, such as the diversity of gender identity, that are unusual. They are not "the norm," but they happen without the influence or choice of humans.
You kind of admit this by saying "appears to make up a very small proportion of the population." So, this means you should agree with Republican/Christian prejudice and demonize them?
"and why have we suddenly finding an increase of gender confused kids."
There is no evidence whatsoever the number or percentage of children who find themselves a different gender than that assigned to them at birth has increased. Instead, the Republican/Christian right has pumped up the demonization of these children. It reminds me of the first proclamation I did on behalf of gay Fargoans. "We don't have homosexual people in Fargo. Why would you claim there are a few here?" It was the same with abortion, "There were no abortions until Roe made them legal."
I happened to get a magazine today that states succinctly the danger to us all of your views, "It is incredibly problematic to have politicians step between a person and his medical doctor and a consensus of the medical professional community to establish a standard of health care."
what was the "magazine" that is so convincing as to endanger my view? the Freethinkers Gazette perhaps? I don't know why you accuse me of demonizing homosexuals and gender confused people. I merely pointed out an obvious fact: evolution has "invented" men and women for the expess purpose of propagating the species. any mutation contrary to that purpose can accurately be called a perverse mutation. perhaps you have a more scientific name for it, but names aside, the idea remains. as to your other "claims" : the incidence of abortions, homosexuals in Fargo, etc. what does all that prove? are such behaviors consistent with human flourishing? I think not. for your part, you simply see humans as a bundle of desires, desires that must be catered to, no questions asked. no real solid notion of human flourishing, at least not in the classical sense. as to your view that there has been a recent increase in supposedly gender confused people, you better take a closer look. this, as far as I know, has become a widely debated topic. maybe the Freethinkers Gazette isn't the last word on the subject.
Deletetsm --- re: your use of the term perverse.
DeleteTaken from a site providing definitions:
"The sense of a pervert as a sexual term was derived in 1896, and applied originally to variants of sexualities or sexual behavior believed harmful by the individual or group using the term."
It would follow then that the group of people born every year who is sterile is "perverse." Also, those who chose not to have children are "perverse."
"are such behaviors (gay and trans) consistent with human flourishing?" Yes. And, if our earth is over populated humans will flourish more if there are fewer of us. Certainly, demonizing selected groups is not consistent with human flourishing.
a perverse mutation simply means a mutation that is not beneficial to the species in which it occurs. or which may even be harmful. as far as I know there are many such in evolutionary history. you. of course, in your perverse way have to go off on your usual ideological rant about overpopulation, demonizing and all that. (BTW you are one of the worst demonizers that I have encounted in my long life on this rock.)