Ukraine Shows the Respective Talents of Two U.S. Presidents
Events that yield irony or expose unknown strengths and weaknesses in high profile people in politics, sports and show business, is an enduring interest of many. If ever there was a series of events that illustrates the differences between two Presidents, it is Ukraine.
Back when Trump was President, he was searching for a way to smear Joe Biden. There was an opportunity in front of Trump to step into the biggest spotlight of the world and leave Biden in the dust. It was right there in front of him, only a few steps away.
The opportunity was in Ukraine. Putin had troops taking over the area called Crimea. It had started during the Obama administration, 2014, and was in full bloom when Trump was elected in 2016. Trump could have said, "I am more patriotic than that wimp Obama. I stand with freedom loving people and democracy. I am not only continuing the $400 million commitment to supply Ukraine against the Russian invasion, I'm doubling it and will offer the Ukrainian army more U.S. weapons. I invite other Western nations to join me."
Some have described Trump as, "A small man in search of a balcony." Instead of stepping into the world spotlight with moral justification, he tried to blackmail Ukraine's president in his famous phone call. He said aid would be available to Ukraine only if it helped find political dirt to use against Hunter and Joe Biden.
Biden saw Ukraine differently. He has traveled the world enlisting support for Ukraine. He exposed himself to some danger by a nighttime trip into the country. Biden made the U.S. and himself appear as the hero fighting the oppressor. His poll numbers in the U.S. rose.
Trump's experience in politics caused his weakness. That experience was to get elected by promising Supreme Court justices who would oppose abortion. By aligning himself with the shallowest thinking part of the electorate he became shallow himself.
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