A Pastor Called Beyonce a Witch

Christianity, and all other religions I know of, are filled with imaginary gods, spirits and invisible attributes of villains. That is why a preacher, Rev. Tiphani Montgomery, referred to singer Beyonce as a witch. People who go to her concerts should be aware, Rev. Montgomery preached, that the concert is a ritual designed to put attendees under the influence of Satan. Rev. Montgomery considers herself qualified to provide such declarations because she is a "prophetess."

I'm well aware most Christians think this is nonsense. Yet, the faith left open the door by not requiring a way to evaluate claims of those who are whackos. That she calls herself a "prophetess" is perfectly OK because the Bible and many contemporary stars in the faith are referred to a "prophets." Most Christians, I would guess, would walk right by the booth at the local county fair which advertises, "Fortune Teller." They fall for the same scam by referring to both ancient and current sages as "prophets." The barn door was open for Rev. Montgomery.  

Rev. Montgomery's fiery sermon against Beyonce was not something she planned to preach, she said. The sermon was placed in her by from the "Holy Spirit." The "Holy Spirit" to is a part of the Christian narrative people should be suspicious of. 

I don't know a thing about Beyonce's music. What I have read about for years is her business acumen. Her wealth is estimated at a jaw dropping $500 million. I've never heard of her in connection with scandals, though I don't follow that part of her press. 

When famous British atheist, Christopher Hitchens, was close to death from cancer, a journalist asked him what he will ask God, if it turns out there is a God. Hitchens answered he would ask God why he wasn't more obvious about his existence and presence? The question I will ask God if there actually is a God is why did you allow such dimwits to claim they were part of your team?

This demonizing of Beyonce is a small part of the large demonizing industry call Christianity. If it's not Beyonce it is Pagans, liberals, gays, atheists and trans people. 


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