Evangelical White Privilege in Abortion

While official statistics are not available, evidence is there were a lot of illegal abortions before Roe made them legal. Doctor's offices back then were often small individual operations with no records required. Payments were in cash. Evidence of "bad back alley" abortions were the wings of hospitals serving only young women with infections. There were, of course, states where abortions were legal. My late brother was a psychiatrist in Missouri before Roe. The law there was women who were suicidal could get abortions if signed off by a psychiatrist. Often, he told me, sanctimonious doctors from around his large city would drop in for a sign off for their daughters. "I'm opposed to abortion, but my daughter has a great future and this will mess it up" was always their line. His experience was identical to a woman who grew up and still lives in the evangelical South. The woman author of the link tells of her experience helping young women in the South obtai...