A Survey Shows Most in the U.S. Think Others Have Forgotten the "True Meaning of Christmas"
A survey of 1,000 people found that by a large margin respondents think others have lost the "True Meaning of Christmas." I wanted to know which "true meaning of Christmas" people have forgotten about. I read the article and never found a definition.
There was a definition in the comments. It, of course, quoted some scripture. If millions of people think the true meaning of Christmas is something other than what was provided in the Bible, however, we still cannot be certain who knows the truth. Maybe those passing judgment are the ones who don't know true meaning.
In the discussion, a commenter quickly pointed out the question asked of respondents was about "other people." There was no exam of the respondents to hear what they themselves thought was meant by the term.
If you asked 100 atheists, "What is the true meaning of Christmas?," I think most would answer it has no meaning other than the celebration of winter solstice. If they were then asked if people who celebrate Christmas because of what the Bible says about it know "true meaning of Christmas" most atheists would answer "no," Christian's understanding of the day is not the correct one they would say. One who understands the real meaning would answer it is a day based on the position of the sun, an atheist would say.
I suppose there are still people who believe there is a "war on Christmas." My understanding is this started when inclusiveness of other cultures and religious traditions became normal and rational behavior. Polite and sensitive behavior is not always present in Christian circles.
When over 80% of the public sees the rest of society as not understanding the "true meaning of Christmas" it proves one thing: Christmas has many different meanings. That is not the fault of all those who have the "wrong meaning." It is the result of the faith itself having no clear idea or agreement what it means.
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