When the Bible was Written, There Were Lots of Virgin Births
There is controversy was to whether the Bible claims it was a virgin birth or not. The original Bible stories were written in Hebrew. According to Hebrew scholars the Hebrew word used to describe Mary translates to something like "a young woman." This could mean she was conceived in sex.
Only when the Hebrew was translated into Greek, the language of New Testament writers, was to tale the Mary was a virgin introduced to the faith. In other words, if the Hebrew had been accurately translated into Greek, we would have no virgin birth nonsense today. I must qualify that to say there were other strange ways to pitch it and people would believe it anyway.
A couple of other big names in religion were from virgin births. Perseus was of the Zeus linage and resulted from Zeus' clever technique. He turned himself into golden rain and make the woman pregnant. As I recall the Holy Spirit breathed into Mary. I suppose golden rain in the dessert climate was hard to come by.
Alexander the Great's mother was conceived by a bolt of lightning. That was much more exciting than some invisible thing breathing into Mary of the golden rain. What we know from these is that virgin birth long preceded Mary's pregnancy. It happened a lot in the ancient world but doesn't seem to be popular today.
That does not mean large personalities today, such as Trump, cannot be seen many years from now as coming from a virgin birth. You never know.
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