Evangelical's Self Pity, "Maybe Trump Used Us"
The self-centeredness of antiabortion Christians continues to amaze. I can paraphrase what various leaders are now saying, "Gosh, we wanted those anti-abortion judges. But we didn't expect it would end with a wholesale attack on democracy. Maybe Trump took advantage of us. That wasn't fair of him. We are victims."
Evangelical leaders, Trump did not use you. You were trying to use him and you chose to wear blind folds. There were thousands of news pieces warning you Trump was a cheat and liar, but you suffered from something you could not and will never cure yourself of. Your hubris.
Christain hubris is taught from the earliest childhood training. Tiny children are taught God/Jesus knows them personally. This notion of self-importance follows some through their entire lives. Those involved in politics feel entitled to have their religious views put into law. They believe it is only right their political enemies do not get equal opportunity. Women, for example, sinned in the Garden of Eden. Women today should be punished by not being allowed to be clergy and not having access to abortion. If only Eve had not committed the Original Sin women might have a place at the table.
The link made a very good prediction. Right now, evangelical leaders are pretending to be surprised and unhappy with Trump's disregard for the Constitution and his lack of moral principles. Trump's grass root fans, however, are not dismayed at all. They expect him to disregard whatever current laws are when these laws limit what he can do.
Soon, the base will inform the "leaders" Trump is right about disregarding the Constitution. Leaders will see the error of their ways and support Trump enthusiastically. It's what they do. They will apologize for whatever they said or thought that was uncomplimentary to The Man.
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