"Resume Embellishment." It's Practiced by Both Republicans and Christians

Recently, a Republican Party fellow, George Santos, was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. During his campaign he said he had graduated from an Ivy League school and worked for two different firms on Wall Street. The NY Times inquired about him and none of the three places had any record he had ever been at any of them.  This week he apologized for "resume embellishment."

The Christian faith is accused regularly of embellishing the resume of Jesus. A Christian apologist recently scolded any Christian who might agree claims for Jesus were embellished in the Bible. To call yourself a Christian, he said, you must believe in the virgin birth and resurrection. He went on with the old trope as to why these have been "proven" to have happened.  Mostly the "proof" is someone who wrote part of the Bible said they happened. 

Embellishment started with the Jews most of whom thought their history was the most important of all humankind. Along came the Christians who took the parts of Judaism they liked and dumped the rest. They thougt, and think today, they are more important than the Jews. The importance of both groups in the big picture of the human experience has been embellished. They are a minority in the human population. 

In order to sell Christianity, the stories of both God and Jesus had to be embellished. God became an all powerful killer of humans he did not like. Jesus went around doing "miracles." To complete the total embellishment had to be among the several mythical holy men to come back to life after being dead. Having power over dead was the ultimate form of embellishment.   

Republicans have had a leader for the last few years who is the ultimate blow-hard embellisher, Donald Trump. Years ago he sued a reporter who said his net worth was not close to the ten billion he claimed. We are now learning the reporter was correct. 

That a new House member embellished his resume is consistent with both his Party and Christianity.


  1. there you go again. twist it around to discredit Christianity. OK, no surprise there. but do you remember your idol , olde Joe Biden. gave a talk that was originally given by someone else (what's that called) . lied about his law school standing. said that he was smarter then everyone else. arguably a functional atheist. carried a rosary in his pocked (during the 2020 campaign). he is democrat.

    1. tsm "twist it around to discredit Christianity."
      Discrediting Christianity does not require any twisting. Are you telling me there is proof there was a "virgin birth?" Or, walking on water or a dead person coming back to life? If I have discredited such garbage good for me.

      As for Biden and his law school standing he made a remark to a crank at a campaign stop that was recorded by a news company. It was incorrect--it was not printed on his campaign material like your hero's. Later he said at a news conference he was 76th out of 85 in his class.

      As to his credentials as a Catholic, I know no one measures up like you.

    2. as i said, there you go again. you believe what you believe (or don't believe). we know all about that. but you keep repeating it. any comment is twisted into an opportunity to say it once again. that old chap gets a tad tiresome. and irrelevant. as to olde Joe, disingenuous as he obviously is, he is not unique among politicians. many of them lie about many things, live via "spin". whatever. that is why, I, along with many others, are sick and tired of so-called politics as usual.

  2. Belief begets religion, the egg came first, and the glass is half full. You can roll a donut hole but you can’t tune a fish. Health to you and yours Jon is my New Years wish. Thanks for keeping on keeping on.

    1. Ardy B Thank you Ardy and thanks for being a reader. Happy New Year to you.


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