Christian Claims of Tolerance

There are Christians promoting their right to discriminate against gay people and women who want birth control and abortions. They claim they are not discriminating because it is their religious views that are the basis for their demands. It is not, they huff, intolerance.

The same is true of parents who demand their public school turn down requests by students who want to have a Satan Club. The Satan Club students point to Christian clubs promoted by national Christian organizations.

Sometimes it seems Christian groups come from the densest cross section of society. When they demand prayer in public schools, after school Christian clubs, and baccalaureate ceremonies in churches they are playing into the hands of other competitive groups. More religions are being created daily and these will get in line to use public facilities. The Satan group is just one.

We've already been through the litany of LGBTQ groups wanting to have student clubs on college and high school campuses. The word "morals" is dropped frequently. Definitions about what is meant by the word, who is qualified to use it and what its role is is usually left out. 

An interesting counter trend is the number of high school students in the South who have the wherewithal to contact atheist groups with complaints about promotion of Christianity in their schools. Promoting Christianity and stomping out other groups works great is no one complains to national organizations. When they do, legal counsel usually warns their clients, the local school, to cut it out. 

Since religious beliefs are open ended with no "truth" in sight, they must be considered preferences. Different people prefer different beliefs. When one person's beliefs take away rights of another it is discrimination. Using religion to deny housing, medical services or food is merely using the discriminators opinion as the legal basis for treating others as inferior. 

Surely courts will eventually stop this. It hasn't happened yet.


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