Women Win Another One
A cleric in Iran announced the morality police unit is being shut down. This is the outcome of the world-wide protests of women against political and moral rule over them by men. We are seeing it here in the U.S. where women are standing up to men who want control over women's bodies by outlawing abortions.
Women have made abortion available in several countries and voted for it in several states here in the U. S. When is this to end? Maybe it will go on until women win equality everywhere.
I hope during my lifetime I can watch conservative denominations, including Catholicism, eat crow and ordain women for clergy. Male leaders will say they heard from God that this is the right thing to do. So far, several have heard from God that only men shall be clergy. They need to improve their "discernment."
It's amusing to see all the reasons men use to justify withholding high positions for women. Jesus had only men as disciples, I have heard. Or, women are designed to have babies, men are designed to lead women. This is no better than the reasons clerics have been using in Iran to cover women's hair. Both Islamic and Christian men use religion to their own advantage.
If religious women held the same kind of power men now hold, and were just as self serving as men are now, I wonder what rules they might impose on men. Would women prohibit men from showing biceps? Would tight jeans be against the rules? Would men be required to cover themselves at the beach.
And, what then would men do? Perhaps they would hold protests demanding rights equal to women.
One thing is certain. The survival of human beings does not require men be in charge of women. Nor does it require women be in charge of men. Religion itself, including Christianity and Islam, will survive without ridiculous rules about one gender being superior to the other.
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