What is the Largest "Denomination" After Catholicism and Southern Baptist

The answer is no denomination. Unaffiliated churches have been growing so rapidly they have more members than all denomination except Catholics and the Southern Baptist Convention. It makes sense when on realizes a few decades back there were three channels on you TV. Now there are hundreds. The same thing is true of Christian churches. The number of people belonging to churches which do not affiliate with any denomination is the largest group in the U. S. I've never seen a survey asking leaders of startup churches why the do or do not affiliate with a denomination. It may be unclear what is a "denomination." If a preacher starts a church him/her self and is successful and then starts a couple of others, is this a denomination? Certainly it is clear churches who belong to traditional denominations do not advertise their affiliation like they used to. If one wants to find an affiliation of a church its not on the marquee facing the street. It's never on the home page o...