The U.S. is Not a Country That Stands for "Life"

If ever there was an example of cultural myths bulldozing known facts, it is "the value of life." Ask any forced birth advocate why he is so against abortion and you will hear, "I'm in favor of life." The factnis that person is not concerned about life in general, only about fetus life. 

For decades annual reports have been published on deaths in automobile crashes. A few years back deaths were declining and fell below 40,000 per year. Now they have started rising again and are again over 40,000.

People who study this and write about find the same thing I have found in writing about it here on my blog: We were all born into a culture which holds a specific view of these deaths and most people absorb the culture's view. The culture tells us roads and automobiles are what is important, deaths caused by them are not important. Deaths are just happen and their importance must be set aside to make way for travel wherever and whenever we want in automobiles. Further, as bicycles and travel by foot become more popular, our culture should recognize deaths from cars are not necessary. The fact is "life" is not important in our culture. Forty thousand deaths per year is a small price in our culture to achieve fast and comfortable use of cars. 

What could be done to eliminate nearly all 40,000 car crash lives per year? Anyone and everyone knows. It's just that people do not want to take the steps necessary because the lives are not important.

One step would be to require everyone in a car to wear the same helmet worn by most motorcyclists. This one law, if enforced, would almost immediately save several thousand of the 40,000. It would, of course, be widely unpopular and mostly unenforceable. People would ignore it. The problem is it would mess up hair. Messing up hair is more important than saving lives.

It would be interesting to hand a motorcycle helmet to every protestor and every abortion clinic in the U.S. The helmet could be given with the message, "Because you are in favor of life we know you will wear this when you leave here and wear it at all times from now on."  Pictures could then record the protesters as they left. Few is any would wear the helmets because they are not interested in "life," only in fetus life.   


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