The Reality of the 2024 Election

Politics is an art, not a science. It has cult elements and sometimes hints of mental illness. A recent New York Times article is one of the best I've seen about what to expect from Trump in the coming two years. Since most people are not paying subscribers to the NYT I'll try to summarize it here. 

In August of 2020, only two months and change from election day, Trump's campaign was $200 million in debt. There remained but a skeleton staff. This had happened because Trump does not think in the way most of us do, there is only limited money, let's spend it wisely. Trump ordered so much spending on his personal preferences it broke the campaign. In the last three weeks of the campaign he was outspent three to one. He may have handed victory to Biden.

He announced his campaign a few days ago. There is no campaign organization. He has only a handful of people who stuck around after other quit or were fired. The link author, who has access to Trump's circle and often Trump himself, says no one knows who will head up the campaign or a process to put a campaign together.

Having decades of interest in flying and airplanes, I have followed several threads about Trump's airplane, the one with his name boldly printed on the side. It has been stored outside, not in the dry desert in the Arizona where airlines park their planes to minimize deterioration, but in a muggy east coast airport. 

It is old and has not been airworthy since the used in the last campaign.  Trump, several say, has been obsessed with repainting his name on the place. This and several other repairs were laughed at by people who know the value of this aircraft as expenses in excess of what the plane is worth. I believe the plane is back in the air.

The link's author said those who have been around Trump repeat what countless others say about him. He wants to be surrounded by chaos, not order. When there is chaos, everyone is focused on him. He needs this. 

I think we can count on him to get revenge on Republicans in Washington for not supporting him by making certain Democrats win. He will consider this a win. 


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