What's Happening to Abortion Numbers Since the Roe Overturn

News outlets are trying to figure out if abortion numbers have dropped and, if so, by how much. Ant- abortion groups are claiming there has been a significant drop. More objective sources say they may have dropped 2% overall, but may not have dropped at all. 

It's easy to figure out what goes on at clinics. Several have closed in restricted states. In neighboring states others have increased and new ones are opening. There are also some statistics on abortion pills. But, there are no statistics on pills entering by mail from countries like India or being walked across the border from Mexico. Nor is it known how many U.S. women go to Mexico for abortions or receive them illegally in the U.S. On top of that, birth control has been reducing the number of abortions for several years so that may reduce the number of abortions.

There are four things we do know. One is that abortions of any kind are more difficult to obtain in some parts of the U.S. than they were previously. Second, the total number of abortions have not been reduced significantly if at all. Three, abortions can be obtained by any woman who has some money but is harder for women without money. Four, the amount of money raised to support abortion rights and abortions themselves surprised everyone.

The forced birth political groups will, of course, try to plug the holes of abortion medicine and surgical abortions now taking place. They attempted to have laws that allowed their own circle of zealots to report abortions, not wanting to rely on law enforcement reluctance and its budgets to enforce the law. This has not solved the "problem" of enforcement. It may be anti-abortion zealots are intimidated from reporting what they know to be strong public support for abortion rights. The forced birth political people have always underestimated their enemy, women. Women have always had more determination than the men who want to force births. 

I'm sure the future holds many surprises for both sides. It is a real time drama and the end is not known for certain. Appointment of the three forced-birth Supreme Court judges was a high-risk gamble. It changed the politics from fearing something that may or may not happen, losing abortion rights in some states, to actually losing them. That set the stage for some of the best political theater in a lifetime.  


  1. Hmmm. Forced birth. The pro-abortion side comes up with quirky lies more often than a 2-year-old comes up with lies about who ate the fresh cookies or how the spinach got in the trash can.

    To be pregnant sort of implies some woman had sex. Sure, there is IVF, rape, incest or a visit from the Arch-Angel Gabriel.

    Us pro-lifers are against rape, incest, IVF and pre-marital sex. Let's focus on pre-marital sex. We're opposed. We're 100% on-board with consensual, married sex. So, that makes us pro-sex with exceptions. Forced-sex? Never!

    Pro-birth? Sure, if you're pregnant we are for the continuation of that unique, innocent, human life all the through birth, to natural death. Anyone who murders that life is doing a great wrong. So, just like murdering a 2-year-old, we are "forced life".

    1. Matt -- "Hmmm. Forced birth.""

      You follow that with a rant about how much you oppose premarital sex. Are you saying taking away abortion rights is not forced birth if the pregnancy occurred to a couple who are not married? Forced birth is forced birth--married or not. Actually, a large percentage of abortions are obtained by married couples. The consensual sexual lives of citizens is no business or yours or the government's.

      I know it does little good to point this out to you because your main purpose in life, and that of the entire forced-birth group, is to dictate to women how they are to live their private lives. Women are not in need of your rules.

    2. Jon; Are you then saying for those not wishing to become pregnant must not exercise self responsibility to prevent becoming pregnant? Possibly to learning how to read the calendar and directions on the birth control package or how to install a condom? "Consensual" implies a decision, or does it mean an irresponsible "I don't give a damn" with all the results, including STD's and it's everyone else's fault, not mine.

    3. Jon, you are a great example of how people can't be civil. I express an opinion about pre-marital sex and you say I am ranting. Dictionary: "rant: speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way."

      I neither spoke or shouted. I wrote. I did not express a long opinion. I was not wild. I am usually passionate about the truth or my opinion.

      Abortion rights is an oxymoron. If one looks at the situation of a pregnancy in a rational way, there is a living, human being, distinct from the mother, growing inside of her. The baby could die of natural causes prior to birth. There are such things as miscarriages and stillbirths. Birth is a natural, biological fact of life. It is how the species continues

      As we all know, aside from rape and incest, people make decisions to have sex or not have sex. Having sex can result in pregnancy. My definition of forced birth is pitocin, and even pitocin is not quite as effective as the expectant mother or couple would like. Your definition of forced birth is losing the legal battle over abortion, i.e. killing a baby.

      There are laws against murder. Are these laws 'forced life'? You must think that because it is taking away someone's ability to go unpunished for killing another person.

      You appear to arguing for statutory rape. Be careful with your words. Also, be careful about trying to give blanket freedom of people to willfully infect another person with a sexual disease. We, the government, may find a violation of law in such an act.

      Your weak argument about manipulating women is refuted simply. For one, the pro-life position is argued and represented by many fine women.

      God bless you!

    4. Year after year I allow you to post your incorrect claim a fetus, even one cell, is a human being. With a little training you could present your argument correctly. It would start with, "My religious view is that one fertilized cell is a human being." But, you dance right over that assumption as if your religious opinion is a statement of fact. Any rational or well read person knows it is not. I know the rights of women are not important to you. They are, however, important to others of us.

    5. Everything in the woman has her DNA except the baby. That is, by biological fact, not opinion or religious claim, a unique human being. The mom turns food into her DNA but her body can't change the baby's DNA.

      Your problem is in not accepting biological scientific facts.

  2. Helper--Some study of reasons women have abortions would help you understand the subject matter. Sometimes women have sex with men because they are frightened of the men. Sometimes they are feel they must accommodate a man's advances while stashing away money for an escape. Sometimes they are following carefully birth control protocols and become pregnant anyway. Women should have the right to terminate a pregnancy because the fetus is part of their body. Their bodies do not belong to the government. Your are definitely of the old school, "It's always the woman's fault."

    1. Jon; re. 6;54; "old school, woman's fault". Wrongo It is a mutual exercise. Carelessness and irresponsibility is a major factor, for both the male and female. This I have observed in my many years .Your point reveals a defense of irresponsibility.

    2. Matt--"Your problem is in not accepting biological scientific facts."

      Your problem is in not accepting any facts. It is not a fact the DNA establishes that something called a new human being is not present. Neither is it a fact that because your religion, not evidence, informs you that at conception there is now a new human being. As John Adams said, "Facts are sticky things." These facts continue even though you choose to ignore them.


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