Horrorific Accounts from Women in Forced-Birth States

Saving "the lives of babies" is the message forced birth politics tapes over the draconian risks pregnant women now face. Only when these accounts are listed can we understand the gravity of individual cases.

Let's list some of the reported accounts:

In Ohio, health care workers said three women threatened suicide when told they could not get abortions.

In Texas, a young woman with an unviable pregnancy was denied an abortion until she was in an emergency room with sepsis.

Another Texas woman in poor health was denied an abortion unless she had a stroke or liver failure.

A doctor treating a patient in risk in Texas wanted to do an abortion. He was told he could not do an abortion in an ectopic pregnancy unless it ruptured.

A woman in Wisconsin was left bleeding for 10 days after an incomplete miscarriage. 

A mother of three in Louisianna was denied an abortion even though part of the fetus' head was missing.

A woman in Arkansas had to travel 300 miles to get an abortion after being told her fetus would not survive.

No one knows what will happen to the dozens of children who get pregnant is most of the forced birth states every year. One state recorded two nine year old girls who were pregnant. We know about the widely publicized ten year old girl who had to leave Ohio for an abortion. 

There are religious doctors who claim abortions can be done in the circumstances discussed above. They, however, do not offer to pay legal expenses nor compensate doctors who go to jail. This is the world of forced-birth hypocrites. Allowing doctors to use their best judgment is not available. 

Accounts like the ones above are only beginning. They happen somewhere every day. 



  1. Anyone threatening suicide should get counseling, don't you agree?

    As is always the case with pro-death people like Jon, it is best to get the definition of terms such as nonviable (not unviable) and "woman's health".

    There are standards of care with ectopic pregnancies which protect the pregnant woman. Please, no scary ghost stories.

    I'm not sure what your point was about an incomplete miscarriage. Women get D&C or D&E procedures all the time with miscarriages.

    Serious health complications in unborn babies are very sad. There are compassionate ways to administer sound healthcare without you dragging out scary ghosts to alarm people.

    Women in NW North Dakota have to travel 300 miles to Moorhead. Before that it was Fargo. Why didn't you set up shop in Williston, no profit?

    What percentage of 9 and 10 year old girls are part of the equation? You do know that each of the 50 States can legislate independently now, right?

  2. "...compassionate ways to administer sound healthcare without you dragging out scary ghost to alarm people."

    The examples are not ghosts but documented events. You enjoy living in a dream world that does not exist.

    "What percentage of 9 and 10 year old girls are part of the equation?''

    This question explains your cruel and heartless approach to forced pregnancies. So, it the percentage is small, the 9 and 10 year old girls should just be forced to give birth? And, forcing these children to undergo a very risky birth is only a problem if the numbers are large? You are a scary man.

    1. Sorry, you are arguing with an invention of your mind, not with what I said about 9 or 10 year-olds.

      If the topic was theft you'd argue against any laws against theft because a 9 or 10 year-old might steal bread in order to live.

    2. Matt--Nice try, but no cigar. You meant exactly what I attributed to you. I know this because it is part of the entire forced- birth genre. If it is necessary for few 10 year old girls to die, it's a sacrifice that must be made for forced-birth politics.

      When a pregnant woman enters a Catholic hospital with symptoms she may go into septic shock, there is always the possibility she may not. So, no abortion until she goes into shock. The majority of women make it through septic shock and come out alive. Those that don't sacrifice their lives for a good cause, forced-birth politics. Telling lies itself is a reasonable trade-off for the cause. Repeating that abortion is more dangerous than giving birth merely means a few women die. They should be honored to die for this political cause.

      You can try to put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.


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