Will the Supreme Court Allow Jews Religious Freedom

The Trump appointees to the Supreme Court strike me as cocky know-it-alls with limited intellectual chops and little real-life experience. They do not seem to fear the possibility they will be impaled on their own swords. Coming toward the Supreme Court is a case perfect for sorting out religious rights when abortion is involved. The woman is a Jew. She was pregnant with a fetus that had 90% chance of being still born. At best, a brief life would be followed by certain death. She had an abortion allowed under a previous Indianna law. Now, Indianna has passed a more restrictive law. At the same time it passed a stronger religious liberty law. The couple would like to have another child but the odds are one in thirty the fetus will show the same abnormality. Her Jewish faith states clearly that human life begins at birth. She is demanding the Court allow her the religious freedom to deal with another bad fetus as her religion instructs her. Prominent Methodist columnist,...