Finally, Religious People Filing Cases in Favor of Abortion
It's been a long wait, but three Jewish women have filed a case their religious rights are being violated by the claim human life begins at conception. Non-religious people have the same legitimate case to make but religions have more cachet in courts.
Religious groups have tried in vain to escape the conclusion that anti-abortion is base only of religion. They have run through a gamete of arguments that the fetus is a human being irrespective of their religious argument the soul is present at conception. None of them gained new followers. Even this week the Supreme Court turned down a case that provided judges an opportunity to define clearly why conception is the moment the full human being with all such rights comes into existence.
Now three Jewish women are using religion to demand abortion rights. I don't know anything else about this case but my guess is that if several such cases came forward if might present a dilemma for religious Supreme Court Judges.
The involves frozen embryos. Frozen embryos have presented a dilemma for anti-abortion since the practice began. Tens of thousands of these frozen embryos have been abandoned by those who first ordered the service to freeze and store them. If the frozen embryo is a human being there is no way they first could have been allowed to be frozen. Now when it is necessary to flush them there is no way this could not be murder. Yet, no one has been convicted.
The intellectual concept of at what moment or period of time a human being comes into existence is so complicated it will never be agreed upon, other than at the time of birth. Using the time of birth is still the time the law determines is the beginning of a human being. Anti-abortion says it happens at conception but there remains no legal way to make this an operable concept.
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