What Does it Mean to Build a "Just Church"
I follow from a distance the denomination of my childhood, the Evangelical Covenant Church. It, and many of its churches use the words "justice" or being a "just church." Then I ran across an article written by the Head Pastor of Union Church, the Episcopal Church Congregation housed in the Union Theological Seminary, in New York City. She wrote about how her church used the slow time during the Covid pandemic. She said the began studying how to be a "just church."
What exactly does that mean? I spent half an hour recently watching in interview on the website of the Covenant Church. A woman pastor who is head of something in the denomination called the "Discipleship Project" interviewed a preacher in that denomination in Minneapolis. The topic was gay church members and gay marriage. She asked the preacher how the denomination's refusal to allow its pastors to perform gay marriages fit another mission of the denomination, a quest for "Justice?"
The pastor had earlier acknowledged his support of traditional one man/woman marriage. He looked a bit uncomfortable in addressing the how "justice" fit with anti gay marriage. He said first that his life's experience, as a black man, had put him in the middle of a community seeking justice. But, he said, when it comes to gay people and the denomination's condemnation of gay marriage, the question of justice left him searching for a good answer. He finally came to the conclusion that treating gay people in his church well, even while refusing to perform gay marriages, was "justice." What bull$hit.
His approach to "justice" is precisely the same as segregationists. Justice during segregation was "separate but equal." In reality, the separate was there, segregated schools, but the equal usually was not. The schools and universities considered prestigious were all white. To the black pastor, welcoming gay people to his church but not giving them the same services as straight people was "justice."
My take is that "justice" to most what I will call "orthodox" Christians is that they can do whatever they want but others must bend. If their religious views prohibit gay marriage than "justice" is to discriminate against gay people. If Christian landlords do not want to rent to mixed race couples, justice is to discriminate against them.
I don't understand why churches use the word "justice." They would be more honest to say they don't believe in it.
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