U.S. the Most Dangerous Country in the Developed World to Give Birth
The rallying cry of the group called "pro-life" is not concerned about how many women die in childbirth. Our country is a dangerous place to give birth. It's safer to have an abortion. It would be very refreshing if the groups that want to force births on women would be concerned about the large number who die in childbirth.
One group of women who dies most frequently in childbirth are children who become pregnant. Most days one can find news about a child who is pregnant and "pro-life" politicos who want to stop an abortion.
Data from 2017 show that the number of deaths per 100,000 births was two in Norway and Italy. In the U.S. it was 19. From the year 2000 to 2017 there were large reductions in the number of deaths per 100,000 births in Europe, Latin America and sub Saharan Africa. In the U.S. the rate of deaths rose. Deaths from childbirth have always been one of the most frequent causes of death in the underdeveloped world. Now it is rising at an alarming rate in the U.S.
Generally, states with the most militant anti-abortion policies are states with the highest childbirth death rates. Texas, for example, has a high rate.
The death rate is highest among poor people of color. Hispanic black women have a death rate of 55 per 100,000 births. This compares to 19 for the entire U.S. and two for Norway and Italy.
What is going to be done about this? Nothing so long as the focus is on the fetus. If the focus could change to the health of the woman good things will happen. It is simply false that saving a fetus is "one life saved." The birth kills some women so the blame for these deaths need to be placed on the forced birth political wing. Some lives of women are saved by abortions.
These facts are hard to swallow for those who claim to be for "life." It turns out they are only interested in fetuses.
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