Catholic Hospitals are Being Picketed

If you are a pregnant woman entering the emergency room of a hospital, it may not occur to you that hospital follows religious rules dangerous to you. The hospitals which operate under a religious cult look just like the ones that practice good medicine. When a pregnant woman enters the emergency room, she should be given a disclaimer, "We at this Catholic hospital will allow you to be in a dangerous condition before we will perform an abortion. Sorry about that, but our Bishop tells us we will go to hell if we perform an abortion in anticipation of your serious condition -- you will need to be quite ill before an abortion can be performed. Sometimes women die because of this."

Women are becoming fed up with Bishops determining their health care. That's why they are now in front of some Catholic hospitals warning women. Sometimes, of course, the only available hospital is a Catholic one and a woman must take the risk.

Expected life span has been falling in the U.S. for some years. It is now the lowest of any developed country. While the cause of this is complicated, it is not helped by forced birth and the risk taken when abortions are difficult to acquire or by Catholic hospitals that play games with women's lives. Any woman who has a miscarriage should avoid hospitals which are hostile to abortion.

The picketing of Catholic hospitals is justice for the picketing by Catholics of clinics which perform abortions. An old saying, "All is fair in love and war" applies here. These hospitals are businesses that should be required to provide secular health care. To do otherwise, as they do, is anything but just.

It is unfortunate our U. S. medical system, with its training and licensing requirements, still operates in certain ways as a "buyer-beware" institution. 

Hopefully, one day I will not have to warn my seven granddaughters one great granddaughter not to use a Catholic medical clinic or hospital. 


  1. Picket and exercise your First Amendment rights. No one is stopping you until, as frequently happens from the left, you cross the line into violence, larceny, destruction of property and all sorts of criminal activities.

    Speaking of religious rights, which are enshrined in the US Constitution, we note today's story of a Federal Judge affirming a Christian baker who stood on her religious rights to refuse to make a lesbian-themed cake for a would-be customer. Of course, the customer could have easily chosen almost any other bakery but they chose to pick a fight. The cake was just the excuse to try and steal someone's religious rights, force them to spend money to defend themselves. Whatever happened to live and let live? The new mantra of the left is 'do as we tell you or we will punish you mercilessly'. Sounds like the CCP.

    Catholics have the right to build hospitals and care for the sick. We have religious protection under the US Constitution to refuse that which violates our Faith. Abortion is not healthcare. Contraception is not healthcare. Transgender surgery is not healthcare. All of these sorts of things are not to be mandated at any hospital.

    You seem to want to live your life in some weird sense of justice. I don't suppose it makes sense in your world to warn your granddaughters against secular hospitals like Baylor University Plano and Dallas Medical where Dr. Christopher Duntsch practiced medicine. Or worse, that they might have gone to Women's Medical Society clinic to seek care from Dr. Kermit Gosnell, another secular clinic and house of horrors.

    Catholic hospitals and clinics are up front and honest about their beliefs and practices. No one is required to seek care there. Not that the horrors experienced at the hands of Drs. Duntsch and Gosnell couldn't happen at a Catholic hospital, it's just that you are giving all the secular clinics and hospitals a pass when you shouldn't. For me, my preference is Stanford Healthcare, a secular and educational enterprise.

    By the way, women are not fed up with Bishops. I doubt 99%+ of all women polled on the streets of America would know the name of the local Bishop.

  2. Matt--I can only repeat, those who picket Catholic hospitals are providing a warning the hospitals don't normally, if ever, provide patients.

    1. Hmmm, let's see if that is what you only say. You say you that the picketers are only providing a warning to prospective patients that Catholic hospitals don't perform certain services. Is that what you really "only" say?

      You say the Catholic hospitals are dangerous.
      You say the Catholic hospitals are working under a cult.
      You say that the Catholic hospitals are try to deceive patients and lead them into something other than good healthcare.
      You state that women - not men - should be provided a disclaimer by the Catholic hospital, which states, "We at this Catholic hospital will allow you to be in a dangerous condition before we will perform an abortion. Sorry about that, but our Bishop tells us we will go to hell if we perform an abortion in anticipation of your serious condition -- you will need to be quite ill before an abortion can be performed. Sometimes women die because of this."

      I could go on since the rest of your article is simply filled with more strange ideas. I really got a kick out of your proposed disclaimer.

    2. Sometimes, ya' just can't make stuff up to top reality. I wonder if any of Jon's friends could be more offensive than this model liberal.

      This young lady decided that the sacred Catholic altar was fair territory to execute a fake abortion with bloody ox livers, topless nudity and, yukkkkkk, urination.

      I can't quite remember any (any, any, any) pro-life person coming close to those acts of civil (or is it uncivil) disobedience.

      Since the operating table is the altar of the abortionist, I suppose a pro-life person would have to bust into the abortuary, climb up on the table and commit some gruesome, offensive act only an abortionist would be offended by. Come to think of it, nothing as gruesome as killing a baby could be topped.

      Jon, do you want to distance yourself from this creature? Do you reject her and her acts?

    3. Matt -- "I can't remember any pro life person coming close to these acts of civil disobedience."

      I can't either, you might be right. There are, however, some other doozies:

    4. The link is in reference to an undercover piece of journalism which exposed Planned Parenthood selling baby parts. All the undercover journalists did was bring a concealed videocamera inside Planned Parenthood and hitting the Record button. Of course, then they published their results and got very effective at turning opinion against Planned Parenthood. This one will probably get appealed to the SCOTUS.

      I'll take your response as an apology.

    5. Matt "All the undercover journalists did was bring a videocamera inside the Planned Parenthood offices and hitting the Record button."

      But, found guilty and fined two million. All that criminal did was creep up behind Dr. Tiller in church, put a gun to the back of his head and kill him in cold blood. How unfair he be convicted of murder and put to death in the chair. Anti abortion whackos are always the victims. The Dr. Tiller murderer would have been acquitted by the current Supreme Court.

    6. The only reason he was found guilty is that the judges were appointed by liberal Presidents. The outcome may be different when heard by the SCOTUS. The size of the verdict is easily refutable on appeal as excessive.

      As for Tiller, a totally separate case and much different than the topic of discussion, it is clear that cold-blooded murder is wrong. Personally, I don't know anyone who disagrees. Tiller's killer is in prison serving a 25 year to life sentence. The Supreme Court does not hear murder cases.

    7. Some good news for you, if you really believe in choice. Last week, two women contacted by the sidewalk counselors outside the Moorhead abortion center, decided against abortion, and for life!!

      The first was a woman who initially went in for the abortion. She eventually came out and visited with the sidewalk counselor who had approached her as she went in. Some days passed and she informed the counselors of her decision to not abort.

      The second was a woman who accidentally called the local crisis pregnancy center, thinking she was calling the abortion center. As she stated, she was asking for a sign from God and this was enough to have her choose life!!

      No yelling. No harassment. Just friendly people out on the sidewalk praying, fasting and trying to speak with women about their children.

    8. Matt-- "..she was asking for a sign from God..." I'm glad you did not choose the social sciences for you career. You would be unemployed. You link cause and effect as if there were no other variables. The sidewalk harassers may have had some influence, or, they may not. Same with the call to the fake abortion center. Women change their minds every day and most, I would guess, who choose to continue a pregnancy never talk to any of you whackos.

    9. I repeat what she stated. I did not invent it. I can tell it upsets you that people have supernatural encounters. I have not had a vision, a visit or any supernatural encounter unless one counts the numerous times I have received the body and blood of Christ in Communion.

      The only time I've encountered sidewalk harassers is when the pro-abortion escorts get nasty, shoving people and using profanity.

      You really like to sling the ad hominem attacks. Since you can't win on the merits of your argument, it's always "harasser", "whacko", etc.


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