Anti-Abortion Zealots are the New Wile E. Coyote

An anti-abortion group is now demanding Congress investigate trafficking in abortion pills. Newspapers are falling all over themselves to get inside the groups bringing in and distributing them in states where abortion is not legal. The groups bringing in and distributing the pills are happy to talk about the illegal work they are doing because they are not afraid of law enforcement. I imagine they are thinking if one of them goes to jail, two others will step up and carry on the illegal work. 

We've had decades and generations of experience with what is unfolding. We've had for decades the War on Drugs. Now we are raising the white flag of surrender. Several drugs are in route to being legal. The War of Drugs is lost.

Before that, there was the War on Alcohol, better known as prohibition. Like with the War on Drugs, it took several years before it became safe for politicians to agree Prohibition was a mistake. They overturned it.

One thing the wars on alcohol and drugs gave us was a lot of crime. Law enforcement people died trying to stop alcohol and drugs. People doing illegal business died at the hands of law enforcement and competitors. 

The lesson is that when the public ignores laws and imposes it will on the country, all the money and blood shed is wasted. Why is that so hard to understand?

In the case of abortion medicine and abortion surgery itself, there is not enough law enforcement to stop either. It was not stopped before Roe, it is not being stopped now. As those who acquire and sell the medicine or do surgery have more practice at avoiding law enforcement the more successful they will be. 

The most famous of the underground abortion providers before Roe was the group "Jane" in Chicago. It was a few dozen young women who learned how to do abortions and avoid detectives. This small group performed a full schedule of abortions every day for several years, doing several thousand. They went into business, not at the beginning of abortion prohibition, but during its final years. It was after some years of experience in the underground abortion business they learn they could do this themselves. 

One big enemy of law enforcement back before Roe were preachers. They were the ones women turned to for help and they learned how to line up abortions without getting into trouble. 

Anti-abortion operatives are a group to ridicule and laugh at. Right in front of them is a brick wall. Instead of turning the are determined to crash into it. 


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