The Great Gatsby Effect

There is a novel and movie I never tire of seeing again and again, The Great Gatsby. It is about class and the abuses that go with it. While it might be class differences will always exist, the great question is how much, if any, opportunity exists for generations to move up in class or more down. We can see, even in the Bible, there is always resistance by upper classes to encourage or even allow upward mobility. In the U.S, we have experienced growing resistance to upward mobility. It is hard to see how we can continue as a world leader unless we unleash lower economic classes so they can compete with upper classes. I don't see how any reasonable person can think our country, or any country, is stronger with a rigid class system. If, for example, we need soldiers to defend our country, most of them will come from families without much money. If those soldiers feel they might do better with some other economic or political system they will not defend well this one. We only...