Climate Change May Force Migration of 216 Million People

No one can deny climate change is already causing massive changes in the world. No one can say he/she know exactly where it will all go from here. The majority opinion is science is the effects will continue to increase for decades ahead.

Regardless of whether this prediction of doom is correct or not, it is prudent, even conservative, to prepare for and anticipate the worst. If the worst does not happen the consequences on balance will be less that if we pretend there is no chance the worst will happen. For some reason many people who call themselves "conservative" do not believe or carry the ideas and ideals of conservatism. Instead, they are risk takers.

A study just released concludes 216 million people will be forces to migrate in the near future. That is by the year 2050.  The population of the U.S. last year was 330 million. Thus, those that will have to migrate would be equal to 2/3 of the people now in the U.S. 

It is projected the majority of movement of people will be inside the countries where they now live. Some of these countries have seen rapid population growth in the last century. Bangladesh, a country I have visited, double it population since 1950. Large migrations are expected due to flooding there. 

Flooding will take large swaths of farmland now producing food. Not only the lands but the farmers who produced food will have to retreat. 

All of this is so complicated probably it cannot be predicted if there will, or, will not be widespread conflict and starvation. There might be variables scientists are not yet aware of that will reverse to bad effects of climate change. But, at this time there is considerable agreement prospects are not good. 

The preparations and steps toward reducing each person's carbon footprint have been widely discussed. There is plenty of resistance to even these relatively unimportant lifestyle changes. An even more important measure is reducing population world wide. Each person leaves a carbon footprint, fewer people leave fewer footprints. 

Hopefully, religions will stop advocating larger families in order to beef up their bottom lines. Responsible religions will advocate fewer children and hope the earth can survive the massive number already damaging her.  


  1. Well, the three primary ways that nature uses to control population is through famine, pestilence, and war.

    Seems to me like we're about to get all three at once.

    1. maybe you will be one of the first to go. better still why don't you go out on a mountain top and tell the folks that the end of the world is nigh.

    2. Apparently, some folks don't like dark humor.

    3. Bryan K: As comedian Bill Burr says, “There’s only so much chicken and fresh water left.”


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