If no Roe, Religion Will be Bigger than Ever in Abortion
If there is no Roe, abortion will be turned back to the states. While liberals most everywhere oppose this, making it a state instead of national issue was endorsed by an icon of liberalism, the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She once said in an indirect way abortion should have been battled out state by state like gay marriage. Now gay marriage is unstoppable while abortion is still jacked around.
While I don't think the current Texas circumstance will prevail over time, states will still tinker with abortion. As they do, the role of the national message spinners will be diminished. Efforts to divert the argument to pseudo science like "DNA" will be replaced with more honest expressions like "God hates abortion." In other words, religion will become more central to the debate.
Already the Satanists are using religion in favor of abortion. A long time Rabbi just published an article explaining why he would use his religion to endorse abortion for young women in difficult circumstances. He was emphatic his is a religious argument.
Individuals and groups taking religious positions often go to great lengths to bury the religious part under rocks hoping no one finds them. A few years ago I debated Ryan T. Anderson in Fargo. Ryan is a devout Catholic and is skilled at schmoozing his way up the ranks in right wing politics. His deal at the time was that opposition to gay marriage was not a religious issue but one based on the public interest. Children are in the public interest, he explained, and same sex marriages do not produce children. When the topic of marriages between old people or those who could not or did not want children he danced quite a jig.
Someone in the audience asked, "What does God think about gay marriage?" Anderson was quick to change the subject, just as many national anti abortion leaders do, because he did not want religion to be the reason for his opposition.
Political operatives know religion is not as popular as it once was an getting less popular. Thus, it behooves them not to use it to justify their positions, even though if they were more truthful they would have to admit anti abortion and gay marriage are about religion nothing else.
If Roe is gone and religion comes forward as the main opposition to abortion it seems unlikely it will prevail in most states.
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