Burleigh Country Illustrates the Unimportance of Human Life

The calculation that defying laws meant to save lives is more important than saving lives can be illustrated by the COVID statistics in North Dakota. Burleigh County, home of the State Capital, Bismarck, had a much higher rate of Covid and death than Cass County, home of the largest City, Fargo. The link written by a doctor who worked in the State's Public Health office explained that if Burleigh County had followed the same precautionary protocol as Fargo 93 people in Burleigh County would be alive today. 

If you polled lots of people in Burleigh County, "Are you against abortion?" many would say, "Oh yes. I'm in favor of life. On this mask deal, I'm in favor of freedom. Don't try to take away my freedom."

This reminds me of a wise observation about people: It is not uncommon for people to hold two opposing views, advocating for each, at the same time. This certainly is the case with anti mask wearing and vaccination while insisting women do not have the freedom of abortion.

I think we are on the verge of many court rulings that will cancel each other out. Freedom of religion is a big deal to some religious people and mostly in the court system. When the Satanists come forward with the view abortion is part of their religion they will be rebuffed with something like, "You are just not a religion. Therefore you cannot use the freedom of religion argument."

There are perhaps a couple of dozen laws designed to decrease deaths. They involve everything from licenses for people providing health services like doctors and nurses to safety belts, traffic lights and speed limits. I'm old enough to remember the passionate anti seat belt arguments. "People should have the right to not wear seat belts."

The seat belt controversy had more going for it than does the anti mask and vaccination case. Seat belts benefit for the most part only the people using them. There are few "externalities" (affecting other people). Vaccinations and masks, on the other hand are dripping with externalities. Other people are put at risk by one's mask and vaccination refusals. 

While Burleigh County could have saved 93 lives by wearing masks and getting vaccination I don't expect much interest in this by anti abortion Christians.


  1. My take: Those referred to; Don't use logic, they think with their feelings. (something they feel entitled have since they are felt so strongly = cluelessness)

  2. this really absurd. how do you or anyone else "know" that masks in Bismarck would have saved 93 lives? how many other factors may have been involved. besides, one can't "prove" a negative. as to your attempt to tie the mask issue with the abortion issue, all that I can say is "yawn".

    1. statistics are a funny beast. Understanding all of the drivers of statistical inputs allows one to accurately predict the future. It's an amazing concept that America has done an extremely poor job in teaching, and I have been known to say, quite frequently over the last year, that it is very ironic that a lack of understanding in basic algebra is brining this country its knees.

      We know that masks have saved a lot of lives by comparing statistical trends before, during, and after mask mandates have been in effect. Plus, given the fact that our sample sizes are so massive, we can also single out other drivers behind these statistical trends with a fair amount of ease. In other words, from a statistical standpoint, our grasp of how COVID19 works is 100% solid.

      While I agree that saying that masks saved exactly 93 lives is an absurd statement to make at this point regardless of the context due to the fact that the sample size is way too small to make any kind of meaningful prediction, it is equally absurd to continue to take the stance that masks don't save lives.

    2. Bryan K "it's equally absurd ...to take the stance masks don't save lives."

      I agree and that may well have been the doctor's point. Is the number of lives that would be saved by masks half or twice that number. Our friend, tsm, doesn't seem to value those lost lives at all.

    3. I don't necessarily agree with that last statement. It does seem to be the case, but there are far simpler explanations.

      For people who have not seen, who have not experienced, or who have not been affected by the horrors of COVID19, I can understand how the drive to keep government out of their business is more powerful than the drive to save lives. I also understand that the average American doesn't even have the most rudimentary understanding of algebra or statistics. Therefore, I don't view it as a morality issue at all.

      The most important part of all of this, and the part that hurts me the most, is that I have seen friends and family slowly come around to a way of thinking that promotes saving lives. Every single one of those people had to be directly exposed to the horrors of COVID19 for that to happen. If I had one wish right now, it would be to make it so that it didn't have to happen that way. But the simple truth of the matter is, we're out of options. We don't have a choice. We've already lost more than a quarter of a million people as collateral damage to COVID19, people who have died as a result of lack of access to medical care. A data analysis on excess deaths year over year shows that the actual death toll of COVID19 in the US is well over 1 million with a worldwide death toll over 10 million. You won't see that in the media, but there does have to be a point where people have to say "you know, I think I've seen enough death and destruction."

      I have no idea how long it's going to take to get there.

  3. tsm--"how do you..know..."

    Just quoting a former public health official. As to tying masks to the abortion issue, it's being done all over the U.S. Letters to the editor here point out the "right-to-life" Governor is all huffy about masks, will not issue a vaccination rule, but gets all teary eyed about one-cell "babies."


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