Why is There Just One Unforgivable Sin
The concept of sin is the Achilles Heel of Christianity. Think of what is in our recent news. According to the news a police officer murdered a black man. If this death was completely unprovoked (maybe we'll learn more ultimately), the police officer committed a heinous crime. Surely in Christianity it would be considered a sin. What can the officer do to erase this sin? Merely ask for forgiveness. He has not committed the most serious and unforgivable sin of all. A Christian parody site has a thread that has been going for years entitled, "You can kill almost anyone and still get to heaven." Even though the purpose of the thread is to ridicule Christianity, it seems to have much truth to it. A far more serious sin according to the Bible is not believing in the Holy Spirit. That is blasphemy. Why is it believers allow themselves to be painted into a corner like this? Why cannot they see whoever wrote the Bible had bad intentions? Haven't they ever heard, and can'...