What is the Christian "Worldview"

This term " worldview " is used a lot, mostly I think by Christians. Maybe I'm not understanding it right but it seems to be that a Christian "worldview" is that faith is the sole source of order and high morals. The non Christian worldview is one without order or high moral grounding. That is, the Christian view is correct, the non Christian incorrect. Anyone with even a scintilla of sense knows organizing society and establishing rule so behavior that serve the greater good comes from human experience and human reasoning. The God of the Bible killed a couple of million innocent people, if we are to take literally the god's deeds. Lofty moral values is not what the Bible is about. For whatever complex reasons, the public is turning away from what Christians call the Christian worldview. A series of polls in recent years finds smaller percentages each time. A recent poll by the Christian Barna Group ask 51 questions of respondents to gauge the level ...