Bernie Sanders' Socialism Has Roots in U.S. Christianity

Republicans have put their money of "socialism" as the gun to shoot at Democrats. They loaded their gun when Bernie Sanders looked like he would be the nominee. Now I suppose they will use it on Biden.  Biden's views on the role of government are not much different than those of Sanders. He just plays the communication game differently.

Socialism is like Christianity in that it has many perceptions and differences. The important thing at this point is to recognize what Democrats advocate is not an aberration of U.S. governing, is in keeping with its history.

What Sanders talks about is not socialist systems like China and Russia. He talks of values. All kinds of politicians talk about values, Reagan talked about them a lot. Preachers talk about values. Many of them are the same as Sanders' sharing the wealth and looking after others. He talks about free college education, i.e., opportunity, free or affordable health care and such. He does not talk about the government owning car manufacturing and the steel industry.

Sanders' makes mistakes, however, by allowing what he wants to do be labeled as democratic socialism. It is not socialism as the world-wide understand of what it is. Of course, because it is not the kind of capitalism lots of Republicans want they like to call it socialism.

As a practical matter a Biden or Sanders administration would be about the same. They talk differently but what they want seems to me very similar. Because Biden is better at talking about what he wants to do I want him to be the nominee instead of Sanders.


  1. nothing new here. Nietzsche said basically the same thing in the late nineteenth century. he hated socialism about as much as he hated Christianity. and now socialists generally hate Christianity. go figure. BTW if Biden were pro-life would you vote for him?

  2. There is a segment of Catholicism which has no problem with socialism. Our current Pope is clearly one at home with socialism. Pope John Paul II fought communism tooth and nail. Socialism and communism are not identical but all communists are socialists.

    Taking from one person to give to another, without the consent of the first is socialism. We have limited socialism in the USA. The more we drift to full socialism, which we are not, I believe, the worse off our nation becomes. Bernie, AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Pelosi, Schumer all inflame the "have nots" by falsely claiming their lot in life is the result of the "haves" stealing from them. They are breeding a nation of haters; hate of the people who generally provide for a strong middle class and the opportunity afforded everyone.

    I started up my blog again. Read it at

    1. Right on, Matt. It seems however that Jon, along with the cultural Marxists, believes that human history is nothing more than a constant round of exploitation by one class over another.

    2. Unknown "It seems Jon..believes human history is nothing more than a constant round of exploitation by one class over another."

      Let's see, a dictator turns Christian and his empire goes Christian. White Christian Europeans defeat Native Americans and Native Americans become Christian. That Jon is so ridiculous thinking Christianity is big because of class warfare, i.e., in some cases actual warfare between classes.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Ardy B's comment of March 24 @ 9:24 directed at Matt.

    5. Matt Noah March 23, 2020 @ 7:54 PM

      What’s your take on the $500 billion dollar slush fund which Mnuchin can dispense as he wishes to corporations with no disclosures for 6 months (before the 2020 presidential elections), with no restrictions on executive compensation, shareholder giveaways, culling their workforce, plus no meaningful oversight. If companies on public support fail who eats the losses? If they prosper do they pay interest on the public’s money? Is this the partial socialism you say exists in America?

      Unlike the governor of Texas, as a grandparent I am not willing to give my life to get this hopped up economy moving. My father and four of his children put our asses on the line already. Trump didn’t even risk his feet. Now we’re supposed to bail out his gilded commode ass?

      I looked at your blog and found the ad “How to empty your bowels in the morning” germane. “Finding [your] way to Christ” through political commentary should get you there.

    6. no comment except to note that the kind of inflamed posts from Arby and Matt are not helpful.

    7. Gee, Ardy, since you have your pistols pointed at me, I'll have to rethink my invitation to have coffee with you. Either way, thanks for checking out my blog.

      Democrats like to take disasters and not waste them. That means stuffing a disaster relief bill with abortion, green new deal, give-aways to unions, etc. Then they stall the disaster relief until their demands are met. That used to work with Bush and his dad. It doesn't work with Trump.

      Just how many people are you willing to let die of COVID-19 before the bill becomes strictly a disaster relief bill?

      You already have a pre-conceived notion of the $500B no one will convince you of otherwise. Perhaps you would like to provide a link to the actual text?

      BTW, how did you feel about Obama and Solyndra? That cost the taxpayers over $500M. I could go on to list other Obama sweetheart deals that cost taxpayers oodles of cash.

      Trump and Mnuchin have a track record of pristine financial dealings with taxpayer money. Moreover, Trump and his Administration have created an economy, pre-COVID, which was the envy of the world and better in 1 year than Obama had with 8 years.

    8. Unknown March 24, 2020 @ 12:54 PM

      I agree and will try to be less inflammatory as is my better nature. “If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?”, Rumi.

    9. Gee, Ardy, since you have your pistols pointed at me, I'll have to rethink my invitation to have coffee with you. Either way, thanks for checking out my blog.

      Democrats like to take disasters and not waste them. That means stuffing a disaster relief bill with abortion, green new deal, give-aways to unions, etc. Then they stall the disaster relief until their demands are met. That used to work with Bush and his dad. It doesn't work with Trump.

      Just how many people are you willing to let die of COVID-19 before the bill becomes strictly a disaster relief bill?

      You already have a pre-conceived notion of the $500B no one will convince you of otherwise. Perhaps you would like to provide a link to the actual text?

      As it stands now, the $500B fund will be overseen by a board, not Mnuchin or Trump.

      BTW, how did you feel about Obama and Solyndra? That cost the taxpayers over $500M. I could go on to list other Obama sweetheart deals that cost taxpayers oodles of cash.

      Trump and Mnuchin have a track record of pristine financial dealings with taxpayer money. Moreover, Trump and his Administration have created an economy, pre-COVID, which was the envy of the world and better in 1 year than Obama had with 8 years.

    10. Matt Noah Mar 24, 2020 at 2:14 PM
      “Trump and Mnuchin have a track record of pristine financial dealings with taxpayer money.” The concern I experienced over the $500 billion slush fund has been assuaged by Trump’s statement that he will provide oversight of the relief package. An immaculate deception was in order. Nobody does it better. I take my coffee with my wife thank you.

    11. The Congressional Republicans have offered an Oversight Board. That seems to have dislodged the log jam. If it is still jammed up, then it is purely the Democrats and their insistence on liberal candy in the form previously mentioned.

      In North Dakota, I haven't heard one Democrat voice any criticism of Gov. Burgum's actions. In a pandemic, it can be fortunate to be in North Dakota rather than New Your or New Jersey.


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