Universe Expansion Must Be in Bible Somewhere

A few days ago I blogged about the inevitable coming failure of the sun and that such an event made Biblical predictions about heaven and hell ridiculous. No invisible and divine being can stop the sun from making earth and all the people on it toast. Some critics of my blog jumped all over me with the mention of fire in the Bible. Since fire was mentioned in the Bible it meant those who wrote the Bible understood that the sun would run out of energy they said. I looked up "fire in the Bible" and learned fire was referred to about 40 times. Usually, it said, fire was present when God was angry. Fire was used as threat and punishment for sin. It is quite logical the propagandists who wrote the Bible would use fire to persuade people to conform their thinking to what was wanted at the time. Humans fear fire. As a pastor friend of mine said, "Everything in the Bible was written with a specific audience of that time in mind and was written with a specific goal of pe...