The Sun is Mocking God

Galations 6:7 warns us not to mock God. I looked up the definition of mocking God. It says to mock God is to disrespect, dishonor, ignore or deny his existence.

I can't think of a better way to mock God than to point out the ultimate end of humans has nothing to do with this god or any other. Anyone can see this in the demise of a star said to be much like our sun. This star is called T Ursae Minoris (T UMi). T Ursae is closer to the end of its life and is exhibiting the behavior we can expect from our sun. That a god somewhere or somehow will save earth from its no-sun future is laughable.

The ultimate death of the earth is not discussed much in the popular press because it is an unpleasant topic to contemplate. More pleasant it the false notion not only will earth and humans will go on forever but that each human who passes the judgment test will live on forever.

This is how religion depends on economics. If you preached this Sunday individual humans will die with no "afterlife" plus all humans will cease to exist when the sun dies, how full would the collection plate be have been after the service? There would be no money to pay the preacher.

In that respect, the economics of church is no different from the economics of all entertainment venues. People pay to be entertained and to enjoy the entertainment. If the show is unpleasant there will be no money to keep the show going.

The rule against mocking God has it roots in the economics of the faith. To preach the sun will fail and leave the earth barren is bad for business. The sun doesn't care about this and continues to mock God.

I know that religion will always leave an escape door open. In this case it might be that souls will escape but not bodies. Whatever the escape door, save your money and bet on science.


  1. Jon; Hate to burst your bubble, (not really), but the Bible is already ahead of you on this.
    2 Peter 3;10-13. Verse 10-But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and it's works will be burned up. 11. Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness. 12. Looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, on account of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning and the elements will melt with intense heat. Then following to the end of the chapter. This is part of our lectionary. No new news here. Contrary to your opinion, economics is not a factor in our circles. A good reading of the bible may help you.

  2. little helper--So you are sure absolutely 2 Peter refers to God allowing or causing the sun to burn out, i.e., the coming of the Lord and the sun running out of fuel are one and the same. If they are one and the same, I'd appreciate learning where this is stated--maybe elsewhere in the Bible??

    1. 2 Peter is pretty clear. Try Mat 24;29, and 35. Also Isaiah 34;4. There are more. Try using the concordance.

    2. I hate to bust your bubble, but none of these says the sun runs out of energy or time. These seem like bits of folks lore passed down from previous times. Please don't make more posts about the end of times, we need posts in which the wealthy goat herders write about the sun running out of fuel.

    3. helper--I can understand the ancient writers wanted a god who could frighten people into conforming to rules of the wealthy class. I can understand today's scientists who see patterns in stars similar to our sun and predict the same pattern for the sun. I cannot understand how any rational person would think the ancient writers knew the sun would run out of fuel and this was a punishment for sin.

    4. Cause and effect. And yet the results are the same. Go figure.
      re. your 8;45; "sun runs out of energy" Not important for them. It's the what, not the how.
      You conflate much out of the blue. The connection of "end of times" for mankind and the sun expanding to make earth a crispy critter is not a stretch. It's your topic, You brought it up. So you can not complain or whine, That the ancients predicted it or the "scientists" predict it, the result is the same. One would expect those primitive 'goat herders' to think the world as we/ they knew/ know it would go on forever.
      re. "the wealthy class" You have a fixation on the wealthy class. I suspect it is your socio- economic background, and your liberal envy that fuels it. I just don't see the fear and intimidation you imply as a factor in my circle of experience. There are more and efficient ways to exercise power and gain wealth , than talk of end times. Yes, there are a few that do, (the millenialists) that do, but they are the great minority. Orthodoxy does not, nor do we have goats, thank you. Interesting that you keep bringing this subject up to swell your ranks. You must have goats too.

    5. helper "The connection of end times for mankind and the sun not a stretch." I guess it's not a stretch for you. If one believes in invisible gods, floating angels and a free room at the Ritz after death he/she could believe almost anything.

    6. 2 Peter 3;10 is terribly specific. 2,000 yr. ago. Even your scientists didn't know these specifics 100 yr ago. Not a stretch. Now, all of a sudden it's got creds.

    7. 2 Peter 3 is specific in a warning to sinners. The fire will be caused by sin. In others words, it is specific in religion. There is no science, period. Let your foolishness rest in peace.

    8. Jon; @ 12;34; "Is a warning to sinners", AND ALL MANKIND,, including those who don't believe in sin. You and yours are not going get out of this without getting your gizzard frizzled. That's science. Read it again Sam.

    9. little helper noted, “2 Peter is pretty clear. Try Mat 24;29, and 35. Also Isaiah 34;4.” I read those passages. Some read like journal entries from bad ayahuasca trips. You write, “... they had good intuitions. where these came from is an interesting question.” Our environment begins with our bodies. Some say our environment is our body. I submit that these “intuitions” and Bible verses may be products of the so called Spirit Molecule, Dimethyltryptamine (or DMT). Terence McKenna, an America ethnobotanist, wondered why theology had not enshrined DMT as "its central exhibit for the presence of the other in the human world”.[1] Author Chris Hammond writes, “The only thing we really know with 100% certainty is that humans have been taking DMT for several thousand years.”[2] There is even speculation that DMT is produced by the pineal gland in the human brain. I am not saying Jon’s rich goat herders were sitting around writing bible verses while smoking or drinking some hallucinogenic concoction. I am saying that moments of intense religious and spiritual passion are driven by elevations in some naturally occurring, possibly psychedelic, neurochemical molecules in the human brain. I include the so called “revelations” from the Holy Spirit in these chemically induced experiences. Now you could say the Holy Spirt triggers these neurochemical events to prepare the human brain to receive revelations from on high. Whether predicted by sound scientific investigation or the more romantic Jesus coming down from the clouds and raising holy hell, our sun and earth are eventually going away. So Elon Musk and the other rocketeers better keep their noses to the grindstone. To survive our kind must fly the coop somewhere down the line. By the way little helper is your preference for using lower case throughout the body of your sometimes helpful replies part of the little helper pseudonym mystique? :-)


    10. Ardy; "You write, "they had good intuitions. where these came from is an interesting question". WRONGO. I did not say that. Someone else did.
      re. "spirit Molecule, (DMT); "May be"--"wondered why"---"speculation"---"possibly"; Not a lot of certainty in all that -----"speculation".
      re. "your preference for using lower case throughout the body of your sometimes helpful replies part of the little helper pseudonym mystique?" Aw contrare my near sighted friend. Go to the top and follow down. There you will find upper case at the start of virtually every sentence, and on proper names and places, unless I carelessly omit. Unless you want me to shout with upper case throughout. A rather childish concern on your part.
      re. "Pseudonym" Now you are sounding like the soccer coach that was so proud of his name. How do we know Ardy B is authentic? To me, it's not important.

  3. another so what exchange. who cares whether or not Jon's goat herders had a scientific understanding of the world? the point is that, for whatever reason, they had good intuitions. where these came from is an interesting question. but in any event they came up with a prediction that clearly parallels the modern scientific take on the matter. again so what? I would also remind Jon that our little planet (and us along with it) could be burned up tomorrow by way of a massive solar flare. and then there is the now regnant leftist disaster scenario known as global warming. how's that for being burned up?

  4. Now it's editing out comments. What are you afraid of Jon?
    As I said the warning isn't just for "sinners". It is also for you that are so pure you never sin.
    Science tells us that.


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