Replacing Christianity With Crystals and Astrology
As Christianity numbers seem to be falling it is common for pollsters to show increases in "nones", people who say they are associated with no organized religion. Once nones became the largest "religious" group right after Christians, the analysis as to who these people are and what they believe began.
That there are atheists and agnostics among nones is easy to see. They are under ten percent but growing. The rest of the group is more interesting to speculate about.
Promoters and defenders of Christianity are quick to note that nones who do not claim atheism should be put in the religious camp. It is said they have to be religious if they are not atheists.
A long article in the Los Angles Times tried to get a fix on how large spiritual practices such as crystals, astrology and terro cards has become. She said she was taken aback by the number of places these are practiced and the number of people who make a living as practitioners in this area of "spirituality."
The reporter said that, at least in the Los Angeles area, when one learns to look for these practitioners and/or shops that sell items related to crystals and astrology they seem everywhere. There have been LA Times stories of quickly raising millions of dollars for start up businesses which cater to this interest. The reporter interviewed several customers who told her they mostly did not take these practices seriously but enjoyed casual participation. Most of them had been raised in Christianity but it had never taken hold.
Which camp are "nones" in, the religious camp or the atheist's? I don't understand those who are into crystals, astrology or terro cards. They don't seem like religious people, they don't worship any supernatural gods, but they are not exactly atheists either.
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