Two Catholic Freight Trains Headed Toward Each Other

It's like the ancients who wrote the Bible were designing a video game. They said, "Wouldn't it be fun to have two freight trains with no brakes on a collision course where everyone will be killed unless one or the other group does something it thinks it can't do?" In real life, one of these trains is the human need for sex. We all know sex is needed for humans to survive. It is "natural law." The sex drive is mostly between the two sexes but it takes other forms such as homosexuality and attraction to children. There has never been a successful way to eliminate this desire for sex. It is dealt with by laws and social norms. It remains as strong in the heads of men who enter the Catholic clergy as it is in the lay community. We all know the history of clergy who have failed in celibacy. That train carrying sexual desire keeps barreling down the track. It has no brakes. Failure in celibacy will go on forever . On the other track are the rules of...