Be Religious, Get Something for Nothing

One of Christianity's successful traits is it's ability to persuade people they can get something for nothing. The most common is the promise of a life after one is dead. There is no reason to believe the afterlife exists but it continues to sell well.

Coming in a strong second is the reward of prosperity. There is no reason to believe this either but among evangelicals over 40% believe they will be rewarded financially by believing.

Last week I camped under my airplane wing as I do every year. My long time friend, another retired professor, and I spend hours talking philosophy and politics. He was a Bernie supporter and asked why I was for Hillary. I explained I did not like Bernie's strategy. He promised things like free college tuition. In my view, Trump would have counted that with "promise" of free tuition plus free beer and Bernie would have lost.

Christianity has the same problem as Bernie. One group says, "You are living miserable lives as sinners. You are headed for hell. Believe in our version of Jesus and you can have eternity in a blissful heaven."

The prosperity group sees an opening there. "Listen, we can offer you the same bliss in heaven as those other schmucks. But, why suffer here on earth? Follow us and Jesus will make you rich and happy right now. Our deal is a win win."

It is not surprising then to see growth in the prosperity gospel. Preacher Creflo Dollar has a million dollar plane and 100K car. Joel Osteen has several homes. Their message is that if they have both bliss on earth and in heaven you can too.

It's fun to speculate on what claim the next Christians might come up to promise even more than the prosperity gospel.


  1. Normally I agree with most of what you have to say, Jon, but you've missed the mark with Bernie. If you look back to tax rates of old, you'll find the richest amongst us have paid their fair share, unlike today where they get tax cuts and pay nothing. Also, notice how no one ever questions where the money will come from for the ever-growing military budget, but will point the fingers at the mother working two jobs still needing food stamps for breaking our economy. The system is broken unless you're rich. Capitalism is much like your church example--"Someday I will be rich in heaven" is no different than "Someday I might be the boss and earn millions." For the working poor--aka the middle class--neither will be a reality.

    1. Hi Becky--Thanks for commenting. I agree with you on all that and with Bernie about all those things. So the question is how do we get these ideas into place. He often says, or said during the campaign season, we can put them in place by persuading the public and winning many elections. Like the free college tuition that seemed unrealistic to me in the 2016 campaign. Maybe they are not so unrealistic today--I suppose no one really knows.


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