Churches That Do Not Worship God
The link lists ten churches where God is not present. Actually, it is not a very good list because it includes a couple of parodies. There are many religions that continue to do well in the U.S. that do not include the Christian God.
The list is interesting to me because it includes worship of contemporary sports and show business personalities. If you go to Graceland you can witness teary-eyed people still putting flowers of the grave of Elvis. I've always thought if some new religion would come along and sweep away millions of people and it would be based on a celebrity who grew into something mythical. That is exactly what happened with Christianity.
I'm trying to remember non Christian religious movements that I myself came into contact with. One was followers of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Several famous people went to hear him including the Beatles who followed him to India. He was an advocate of transcendental meditation (TM). I remember being at a Fargo City Commission meeting and hearing prominent people in the community testify about the benefits of TM. He provided health, kept teenagers our of trouble and raised the sensitivity of citizens advocates said.
Then there was Reverend Moon. I think he appeared in Fargo but I did not hear him. His local representatives regularly called on me when I was the Mayor. I tried unsuccessfully to understand what that "religion" was all about. Moon claimed to be a Christian. I asked different ones of the group about issues like homosexuality and abortion. I got different answers. Reverent Moon did not leave his theology in writing but it was in his speeches. Different people seems to remember different things that he said.
If history tells anything, it is that another religion with a different god will someday be more popular and powerful than Christianity. I wish secularization would replace Christianity but probably that is wishful thinking.
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