Lots of Women Die in Childbirth

The anti abortion propaganda mill tries to create the impression that when they persuade a young woman not to have an abortion, "a life is saved." Statistically, this is not true. Childbirth kills some women. In poor countries, childbirth is one of the largest killers of women during their child bearing years. Abortion is an ancient practice that has been done, so far as we know, since the earliest humans. During those early times, when food and shelter were limited, it appears people calculated carefully the food available and compared it to the mouths to feed. When missionaries first encountered the Eskimo they learned of infants killed when there were too many and older tribal members committing voluntary suicide when they could not long help the clan survive. Instead of cranking out their regular diet of bogus statistics, those who oppose abortion should just say they oppose it because they do not like it. Abortion is safe. It does not affect the long term ment...