Why Were There 50 Russian Political Operatives at the National Prayer Breakfast

Most Americans do not understand why President Trump makes so much effort to court and please Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is because there is genuine affection between Putin and the religious right.

The number of trips to Russia by leaders of the Religious Right is a matter of public record. Vice President Pence has praised Putin. These right wing leaders who visit Russia are also those who organize the National Prayer Breakfast. The welcome mat is out to Russian operatives who want to influence the direction of American politics.

According to emails, the Russians make conversation with U.S. political leaders seated near them. They follow up with personal visits. Russians are doing something similar with religious leaders in Europe.

Some while back Russians must have held meetings among strategists and asked, "Which group in the U. S. is most naive and can be persuaded to move to support our agenda of building conflict between political factions?" They realized the group that they could manipulated was the Christian right. All they needed for access was to say they disliked gays.

Add to that the predisposition of Christians to dictators. The Jews wanted Jesus to be another King David. Christians later got a dictator even better than David, Constantine. He started the events that ultimately drove the Pagans out of the Roman Empire and let Christians rule the roost.

So often, Christians like VP Pence have expressed admiration for the "strong leadership" of Putin. That the National Prayer Breakfast is now an opportunity for Russians to influence our government is the almost inevitable result of a powerful Christian Right.


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