We Are Not Experiencing Moral Decay
Nearly every day there is an article proclaiming the moral decay that is supposedly happening in our country. This one talks about abortion, gay marriage, cohabitation and whatever else.
These do not actually constitute moral decay. Instead, they represent the change going on behind the preaching. The preaching is oblivious to reality.
One of the things this represents is the personal opinions of those claiming "moral decay." If those people do not like assertive women they claim abortion is a sin. If they do not like gay people then gay marriage is a sin. Anyone can see from the Bible it authors wanted to impose their own personal hang ups and assign God's wrath to them. Those who are disliked are condemned as sinful. If someone is liked, eyes are shifted away from the "sin" and it is ignored.
Some Christians claim their belief system is superior to other religions and to those who find there is no evidence of a god. Experience does not show they are superior. Today we have many branches of the faith who endorse a President with a history of what used to be called "sin".
We would all do better is we thought through the implications of behavior and its consequences. Here are some.
If we have too many poor and destitute people our society could collapse. If we deprive and large portion of our society opportunity, such as women because of abortion, we would face another source of collapse. If we spend our time condemning law abiding productive citizens, like gay people, of the tax and societal benefits others enjoy it will hold back both their lives and those who support them.
Dumping on those who are disliked holds back our society.
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