Lots of Women Die in Childbirth

The anti abortion propaganda mill tries to create the impression that when they persuade a young woman not to have an abortion, "a life is saved." Statistically, this is not true.   Childbirth kills some women. In poor countries, childbirth is one of the largest killers of women during their child bearing years.

Abortion is an ancient practice that has been done, so far as we know, since the earliest humans. During those early times, when food and shelter were limited, it appears people calculated carefully the food available and compared it to the mouths to feed. When missionaries first encountered the Eskimo they learned of infants killed when there were too many and older tribal members committing voluntary suicide when they could not long help the clan survive.

Instead of cranking out their regular diet of bogus statistics, those who oppose abortion should just say they oppose it because they do not like it. Abortion is safe. It does not affect the long term mental health of women and it is not a sin.

The practical, and perhaps effective, approach to reducing abortions would be for anti abortion activists to look at those economic circumstances women face and do something about them. That is, if young women with children feel they cannot afford another one activists should lobby for or give such young women the money they need to raise another child.

But doing something to help women is not in the anti abortion playbook. Making women's lives worse is where the money and political support is.

Making up statistics that try to show child bearing is safe and abortion dangerous is what excites those who want to harm women.


  1. Gee, no abortion and a baby is born. In math class, that is +1, i.e. a live is saved. If that is propaganda, I'm going to have call all my math teachers from kindergarten to graduate school liars and propagandists. Jon told me so. Childbirth kills some women - true. Multiple births, twins, triplets, might make up for that. But still, staistically, we are on to something with this modern math. What is for certain is that in abortion, we subtract 1 and sometimes 1, 2 or more. Not all women make it through "safe" abortions. Since abortion is meant to kill, well, the babies die as intended.

    In poor countries where you say childbirth kills a large number of mothers, please tell me which countries and the most common forms of death of those in child-bearing years. My guess is starvation, infection and other problems killed quite a few. And if abortion "saved" them from death, how long would it take to wipe out the entire population, assuming no immigration?

    Childbirth is more popular than abortion, from the beginning of time. Cane killed Able and then lied about it so murder and lying preceded abortion. We don't wink our societal eye at murder or fraud. Neither should we at abortion - the murder of an innocent baby.

    " ... regular diet of bogus statistics ..." you'll have to name one in order to not be accused of grandstanding. Not even Prof. Harold Hill hoodwinked a bunch of Iowans did an Iowan try to hoodwink a population of astute North Dakotans. We're on to you and your Marcil-funded fancy words here.

    Yes, I don't like murder, theft, fraud, speeding, assault and a whole host of other things. I don't like squid but there are limits to what I will advocate for making illegal.

    Abortion is not safe for either mother or child. It does affect the mental health of all involved. Sin? Without question if the procurer is aware of the action. Some young women are led off to the abortion mill with little or no information, lied to and taken advantage of in the cruelest of ways. Others know exactly what they are doing and are callous.

    Jon, I'm guessing you do absolutely nothing about helping women in crisis pregnancies. Case closed. Planned Parenthood types are like that since there is no money in childbirth for the #1 abortion business in America.

    Why don't you publish a picture an aborted baby on the front of today's blog? Oh, I know why.

  2. Matt 6:15 "In poor countries where childbirth kills large numbers..."

    I wrote an entire blog on deaths from childbirth a while back.

    The facts are that giving birth is more dangerous than having an abortion. Dishonesty is one of the traits I have found in anti abortion politics. It started when anti abortion protesters in Fargo claimed my wife owned the clinic. They said that is why, when I was Mayor, police enforced laws about blocking streets and sidewalks. There have been non stop false statements ever since.

    You are welcome to add some more.

    1. If you wrote an ENTIRE BLOG on childbirth deaths a while back then you should have no problem proving your assertions (ahem) now. Wait, I will look in to the future for everyone and let everyone know that you can't back up your claims and won't do so here and now.

      Abortion always kills a baby. Don't deny biology. If the entity in the mother's womb wasn't alive, it would not have to be killed. If it wasn't human, well, that would be a trick. That would mean someone would be responsible for their sexual relations.

      You claim the baby is not living human being. The child dies. Who died when your wife was claimed to be an owner of the abortion killing center in Fargo?

    2. "proving your assertions (ahem) now"

      You and I discussed those statistics at length. They were from a well known international health organization. Since you are (ahem) unable to remember that discussion you will not remember again if I provide you with the source.

      I agree an abortion kills a fetus. Birth kill mothers, not usually but births are more dangerous than abortions. Unless you can refute that we are done discussing it.

  3. I hope some conservative comes on this board to challenge the Marcil's prize columnist from Iowa. I spent last weekend in Muscatine, Iowa coaching aspiring young soccer players. A good number of them received interest from college coaches. It turns out, none of them had been aborted in the first 9 months of their human life. What a pity the same could not be said of millions of other boys and girls.

    I'm taking a vacation from you and the Marcils. I might be back in a few days, a week, a month. I"m sure you'll miss me.

    1. Good by! BTW, I wouldn't trust you with my kids since your foul temper and related tantrums are what got you kicked out of National Soccer Organizations.

    2. Jinx, I doubt I would want to be around your kids. Aren't they grown up and on their own? Why would you leave them with me? As for my "foul temper" and "related tantrums", please keep in mind the slander and libel laws. As for your assertion that I was kicked out of any national soccer organizations, you'd best make an apology for the obvious fabrication immediately. The technology behind this blog will not protect you from a warrant.

    3. http://www.inforum.com/news/4104179-national-group-slaps-fargo-youth-soccer-coach-very-rare-suspension

      Your suspension is pretty close to kicked out......again you lie.

  4. Thank you once again John for an article based on facts, statistics, science, and actual research. Unlike most of your critics which are based on someone elses personal feelings and religious beliefs in a country where there is not only freedom of religion but also the FREEDOM of NO religion

  5. Matt Noah should be reincarnated as a woman and then stay pregnant. Forever!!

    1. Unknown - I can see why you use a fake name. What compels a person, other than anonymity, to make such a ludicrous statement?

  6. I'll accept data from the National Institute of Health before anything Matt Noah claims, his data reflects propaganda put out by well moneyed anti abortion groups.




    Great Comment K. W.!

  7. If we hadn't killed all those kids since 1973 we wouldn't have the immigration problem we are now facing. Interesting that a labor shortage appeared in 1994, 21 years after Roe v Wade just as those kids would have been moving into the workforce. A civilization must continually increase in population or it collapses.Or as King Solomon put it : " a dearth of subjects is a kings undoing"(Proverbs 14:28). The libs gave us the sexual revolution on the '60s which gave us babies nobody wanted. Next the libs said kill them all which gave us a labor shortage. Now the libs are crying for open borders. I Swear, where will you libs lead us next?


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