
Showing posts from September, 2024

Dead Bodies That Do Not Decompose

  I don't know about you, but to me some of the most bizarre notions don't come from weird politicians, children or the very old but from long-standing Christians. It's weird that they believe there are invisible gods, the Trinity, and that Jesus was stone dead and came back to life. Far out there is the belief we all live on condemned or victorious after we ourselves are stone dead. Once in a while someone prays and another person recovers unexpectantly from an illness. Prayer has been tested and found not to help sick people but, oh, never mind about that say the faithful. Today there is an article featured on a Catholic site going on and on about long dead saints whose bodies have not exhibited the usual decomposition. Of course, the explanation is all about religious forces moving in and protecting against normal decay. Not mentioned is whether all the internal organs were removed. That has always been the practice that preserves corpses. Then waxes are applied to preve

How Trump is Similar to Reagan

Memory of Reagan is sort of hazy. Stuff that appears about him today highlights his off and on peace efforts with Gorbachev. The New Yorker this week reviewed yet another book about him. His evolution into right wing thinking had a force that affected Trump also. It is the world of art that surrounds the screen: movies and TV. Reagan was always interested in politics. As a young actor he was deeply liberal. Government could not be big enough, regulation was good. He was a staunch union member. His first "acting" job was broadcasting baseball. He was not at the game but received balls and strikes by teletype and filled in fake observations about what the players were doing. He went to California and got parts in several low budget and insignificant films.  Reagan then went to television by being hired to do commentary. He was paid to travel constantly giving speeches about the coming wonders of electricity. His audiences were mostly business people. He learned what they liked

What Are "Ethical Standards?"

A very religious professor at a very religious college publishes and speaks around the country on what he calls "ethics" or "Christian ethical standards." He says that if our country had better ethical standards it would benefit. It is no surprise the highest ethical standards are ones that help him and other old white men. I've seen the words ethical standards tossed out often by Christian men in high places. One consistent theme is that men understand ethics best and the standards are clear men are to be in charge of not only the pulpit but the home.  All of us who follow this stuff know men are to always be dealt the best hand and women the worst. This is great material for Christian parody sites--they milk the male superiority to the max.  In the Harris/Trump campaign the gender aspect is fun to watch. Certainly, the best chance for a woman to win the U.S. Presidency is to have as her opponent an older and hapless man. Trump's lifelong treatment of women

Christianity and "Manhood" Are Best Friends Forever

Sen. Josh Hawley, a Missouri Republican, was given an award by a right wing group from Florida. Hawley received the award because of his book,  Manhood; The Masculine Virtues America Needs. The group giving the award is call the Center for Christian Statesmanship. Hawley's award was for being a distinguished "Christian Statesman." Then in his remarks, Hawley riffed about how masculinity holds together the family and the liberal assault on masculinity is "destroying the family." Connecting all these dots, "statesmanship," "masculinity" and "family" is hard for me. They don't seem to have anything to do with each other.  A book chest-beating about "masculinity" does not seem like what we mean generally when we think of the term "statesmanship."   One nice definition of "statesmanship" is "evidence of wisdom and skill in conducting national and international affairs." We have now entered the

Buckel Up: More Catholic Scandals Coming

Several times in the past 20 years Catholics world-wide have hoped the abuse and schemes by Bishops or hide the abuse would finally end and the news about all of this would end. Instead, it seems to grow . The past few years in Ireland has seen political up evil. Abortion rights were voted in. Membership in the Catholic Church has plummeted. The considerable influence of church officials on public officials has fallen as well. It's about to get worse. Widespread publicity about sexual abuse by clergy started it all. As this played out in the headlines the public responded predictably by heaping scorn on the denomination and its clergy. There remained, however, no deep investigation nor prosecution by the Irish government. The opening of an official investigation has been authorized and this will feed stories of Catholic abuse to the world.  Until recently, it seems Ireland was one of the countries left over from a previous era. It was a country where laws and such were brought up f

"New Women" Admit to Being Eve and are Enjoying Sin

On a liberal Christian site a writer told of a young performer who makes light of Eve's bratty behavior and sin, saying women are still sinning and having fun. In Christianity we learn women know they must lean on men because women carry impulses they themselves cannot control. Eve knew she should not eat the apple. Yet she did it and used her beguiling ways to persuade the more rational and responsible Adam to then eat the apple. The result of Eve's misdeed is what we have today, sin everywhere. Eve is a gift to Christian parody that never stops giving. Any unfortunate news that comes along, bad weather, shootings and accidents can be blamed on Eve. If we who engage in Christian parody believed in a god we would thank that god for Eve. But now, thank goodness, Eve can serve as a fun mythical figure for gender equality. Eve can also be used to poke fun at Catholicism and conservative Protestants like the Southern Baptist Convention and Lutheran Missouri Synod for their refusal

Christian Abuse of nonWhite People

My most recent issue of Freethought Today had several essays from nonwhite students. The essays told of their ancestors. The students had been told stories by their parents and grandparents and then looked up historical information about the broader picture of what happened in their families. The essays told the sad stories of black and native people who were browbeaten into Christianity. Their previous spiritual life was, in some cases, beaten out of them. Native children were taken from their parents and placed in boarding schools. There, Christianity was poured on and previous beliefs shamed.  History is sort of repeating itself in Africa. Christians are being hunted down and are either killed or renounce Christianity. Apparently, some in Nigeria think Christianity is bad and does not belong in their country. They are trying to get rid of Christianity, thinking they are also helping Christians. To me, this seems like what white Christians did to native people and slaves. After white

The Emperor Has no Clothes

It was almost 200 years ago Han Christian Anderson wrote a tale where a child says this about the naked Emperor. What a great parallel to today's puffed-up Christians. Year after year people leave the faith. Those who remain behind shouting, "Read the Bible you sinners," are like the emperor who was told he was wearing beautiful garments that were invisible. Like puffed-up Christians today, he was naked. Wearing the Bible and pretending it is the finest of royal clothing is coming to an end. Surveys confirm people are reading the Bible less and less. And for good reason. Evidence has been piling up for decades the Bible is not historically accurate and was used to control the poor by the rich. As time has moved along, there has been more skepticism about walking on water and the dead coming back to life. If the Bible is used to disguise Christianity and people see through it, we have a modern day example of the naked emperor. It's fun to follow the different responses

Women Leaving the Faith is a Four-Alarm Fire

While stories about women leaving the faith is have been discussed here and reported a lot, it seems the magnitude and importance of this change is being underestimated and under stated. While the society is marching in one direction toward equal rights, much of Christianity is marching in the opposite direction. If there is one single thing that could cause God to disappear, it is women leaving God to be buried in the sands of time. They are no longer organizing the potlucks and getting the kids up and dressed for church. They see opportunities in the society around them, but in church the rug is pulled out from under them. One of the sources in the link who studies this change was asked if big majority of the faith which puts women down will change. His reply is probably it will not change. If there ever is a change, it will be because denominations with older members die out. Changing minds of current conservatives is unlikely. The podcasts of clergy in Lutheran Church Missouri Syno

These Practices Will Keep Churches Open Longer

While churches are closing every day, there are many so there will be thousands for a long time. There are lots of articles in the Christian press about the struggles churches face but not many get to the core of the problem. That is paying the preacher and a single use building.  Videos generated by dissident preachers from the Denomination Lutheran Church Missouri Synod have been discussing the need to start new churches. The problem is that most of the time there is not enough money to secure a building and pay a preacher. Further exasperating its problem is a requirement men (no women) attend in person a denomination's seminary. All of that together, the dissidents conclude, is there needs to be a way to run small churches without paid preachers or expensive buildings. Yet, so far, the older leader in that denomination prefer to see numbers fall instead of developing an economic model that might work.  Traditional church buildings are used only a few hours a week. Traditional r

Yale Divinity Offers a Master's Degree, Special Courses in Witchcraft

If you were looking for a way to improve your spells, Yale Divinity can help. The Master's that includes extra courses in  Witchcraft will give graduates a running start in a growth industry. I've always wondered what the next big thing in religion will be. Could it be Witchcraft? Looking at the course offerings, they include the history of witchcraft and the various branches and spinoffs over time. We all know it was practiced in Europe and came to this country with the Europeans.  As with other religions and/or belief systems training is required before one can conduct the ceremonies and rituals. If you want to know how to be a "clergy", maybe it is called a witch, you can learn about in these courses. The standard definition of witchcraft is the ability to use supernatural powers do to harm to others. It has been referred to since the beginning of recorded history so must have existing deep into prehistory. While modern versions of witches include men and are seen

How to Replace Church Life

While I've been involved with Atheist groups for some decades, I know very little about the many ways people go forward after leaving the Christian faith. Apparently, there are a gazillion different groups that form around arm's length study of philosophy and mythology. They don't advocate any belief but try to understand a variety of beliefs. Reading about this variety of groups, I'm reminded they are similar to what I know to be Universal Unitarianism. We're seeing that skeptics are just like believers, each has his/her own version of the deal. I'm no different. I've attended several Unitarian groups, been a speaker a few times, but it just doesn't speak to me as something to attend regularly.   What is refreshing, however, is that all these groups to off doing and believing their own thing and they do not, or cannot, force everyone else to suffer prayers at public events and all the other garbage Christian push on society. Among the groups meeting are

First it was Food Trucks; Now it is Mobile Abortion Buses

A "motor home" retrofitted for abortions did business near the Democratic Convention Center in Chicago. It also travels to small cities near the border of states which have outlawed abortion. The concept seems to work well and could be a concept that will become even more popular. The rolling surgery bus and at home pills will make abortion widely available no matter how many states pass laws against abortion. What remains a problem is transportation for women who need to travel out of state for their abortions.   Transportation to health care has been addressed in different ways during my lifetime. When I was growing up here in Iowa the hospital considered most advanced was at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. The University cleverly painted vehicle with unique signage so they were easily identifiable. I recall seeing them frequently. Today. every large hospital has helicopters reducing highway vehicles. With the financial resources available today to the abortion rights

Is Sex by Catholic Clergy Expanding or Subsiding

A publication that focuses on the Catholic Church but is independent of it is predicting the pattern of sexual relationships by priests will expand not subside. These involve not just the children of the past but adults who feel they are victims. The link says Catholic bureaucracy has mostly focused on priests who have abused children. It has put into place some rules and precautions. Adult women, however, who have made charges of sexual abuse by clergy have not received nearly as much attention. They do not seem to be seen as victims. Can an adult woman seduced by a priest make the claim of victim? Since the beginning of man, my guess is that men have used religion to seduce women. I've read testimony a gazillion times, "God wants us to do this." While male bosses who make moved against females who depend on them for a job are sometimes successful in prosecution of sexual abuse, I'm not aware clergy are seen as having positions of power over women. Certainly, they sh

So Many Homeless, So Many More Coming

While "the housing crisis" is discussed endlessly, it doesn't seem like there is a "solution." People are living in cities under bridges and in tent cities. City leaders get complaints so they pass laws. Police and social workers try to remove them or find housing and some agency to pay the rent.  It is well known a lot of people living on the streets or in shelters have had medicine to mental problems prescribed but are not well enough mentally to take the meds. A string of bad luck dooms others. While the number of homeless in cities today is at record levels, demographics tell us much bigger problems lie ahead. This the millions of people approaching retirement who do not have adequate retirement saving. They will receive social security which, if people pay today's market rent is not enough to live on. I follow on You Tube a series of people who live in their vehicles and post videos talking about their success or lack of it. Many people receive about $2