"Evangelicals for Harris" has Other Evans Boiling Mad

It was amusing to see how angry one evangelical is about the group of Christians supporting Harris. Mad is an understatement.

Forced Birth nut cases believe no one can be a "Christian" unless he/she is against abortion. To them, Forced Birth and "Christianity" are one and the same. So far as I can tell, Prohibitionists had the same view about alcohol. Way back when I was a mayor I attended a meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. I wondered what the topic would be since alcohol is so widely accepted. The young woman who spoke spoke only about anti abortion. I looked just now at the WCTU website and it has nothing about Forced Birth. Perhaps there are some in the WCTU that want it to pivot to anti abortion but leaders don't seem to be buying.

There is no legitimate argument for saying "Christianity opposes abortion." Plenty of Christians, the majority of Catholics included, favor abortion rights. Nearly all Protestant denominations favored abortion rights until the Supreme Court approved Roe decades ago. Then leaders of right wing denominations saw the fund raising potential and shifted to Forced Birth. It's all a matter of history.

If elections continue to trend in favor of abortion rights, one would guess the remnants of the old Christian anti abortion will get smaller and smaller. Their continual screaming that Christianity is all about forcing women to give birth will deplete their numbers steadily. 

Ann Landers had a great phrase for people who had circumstances they did not like and wanted to change but it was obvious to everyone else change was not going to happen. These were, for example, women and men) who loved their spouse but the spouse continued to have affairs. "What can I do?" Ann would advise, "Wake up and smell the coffee. Divorce."

Christians who hold onto the belief that Forced Birth is central to Christianity need to wake up and smell the coffee. There is no basis for holding this view and other Christians will leave you behind.


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