Women Leaving the Faith is a Four-Alarm Fire
While stories about women leaving the faith is have been discussed here and reported a lot, it seems the magnitude and importance of this change is being underestimated and under stated. While the society is marching in one direction toward equal rights, much of Christianity is marching in the opposite direction. If there is one single thing that could cause God to disappear, it is women leaving God to be buried in the sands of time. They are no longer organizing the potlucks and getting the kids up and dressed for church. They see opportunities in the society around them, but in church the rug is pulled out from under them.
One of the sources in the link who studies this change was asked if big majority of the faith which puts women down will change. His reply is probably it will not change. If there ever is a change, it will be because denominations with older members die out. Changing minds of current conservatives is unlikely.
The podcasts of clergy in Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is a case in point. Membership and number of churches are plummeting. Yet, the younger preachers say, the conference every other year where issue are addressed never says, "We have a problem. Let's make a plan to solve it." Instead, small internal issues are rehashed and the decline continues.
One of the issues that has to be hurting Missouri Synod is that women preachers are prohibited. This is also the rule in the rapidly declining Southern Baptist Convention. As word spreads a denomination does not ordain women other women, and plenty of men, decide to leave. Never mind that there are some women who believe this prohibition makes sense. They, like the men who hold onto the prohibition, are so far out of step with the times they will be left in the dust.
As has been discussed here many times, Forced Birth pushes many women out of the church as well.
Every church I've belonged to and everyone I've known much about had women carrying the burdens to keep it going. They take on the back office jobs in administration and event planning. When they say goodbye it means a total goodbye.
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