Crime from Abortion Prohibition Has Arrived (Right on Schedule)
For a decade I've been saying here on this insignificant blog site that a prohibition of abortions would be identical to the prohibition of alcohol that happened in the 20's-30's. The alcohol prohibition failed. It introduced a profitable crime opportunity. The product was easy to make or import from Canada and so costly to enforce it mostly was not enforced. Many lives were lost in fights for markets and in law enforcement. Alcohol prohibition failed and when it did Roosevelt raised a glass to celebrate.
The prohibition of abortion is different only in that it is even easier to hide and more profitable. Add to this the majority of voters opposes the prohibition. This decreases the enthusiasm of elected people to enforce as well as the law enforcement people they hire to do that. This week's news is about the criminal elements now bringing abortion pills into the U.S. and the lack luster law enforcement against it. Welcome, Forced Birthers, to reality and inevitability. You were warned.
The history of prohibiting medical abortions was not successful either from what we can tell. Entire hospital wings across the country were dedicated to treating young women with infections from crude abortions. There was a substantial underground network providing medical abortions. The volunteer group, "Jane", in Chicago moved from rented apartment to apartment and only closed when Roe made abortion legal. In the book about "Jane", those involved believe they performed 10,000 abortions. They knew of several other groups and individuals in Chicago also doing illegal abortions. No one from the "Jane" group went to jail.
According to the link, Forced Birth leaders are angry at the system of pill distribution. They want the Post Office to identify and stop mailing the pills. They want the borders to Mexico monitored and so on. Pill and alcohol prohibitions are like a "whack-a-mole game." Stomp on one place and up pops abortion somewhere else.
While breaking laws is not a good way to select laws, it does have a role in practical politics. In other countries, Ireland for example, the large number of women getting abortions eventually took its toll on anti abortion. Voters eventually shrugged and decided to make them legal. This is what I'm predicting will happen in the most anti abortion states in the U.S.
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