Only Two Years Ago Forced Birth was Euphoric

I've been wanting to learn about the views from inside Forced Birth. Do they really understand they are in trouble and if so, who do they blame? Finally, a national writer interviewed a series of the Forced Birth leaders. 

The conclusions are that, yes, they are now behind and slipping. Their explanations as to why, however, vary and are interesting to contemplate. There are two explanations from Forced Birth operatives. One is that Forced Birth advocates in their organizations and in state legislatures overreached with abortion bans and this is what has caused the problem. The other is that it's all about money and organization in political messaging. That is, if Forced Birth could be as well organized and had as much money as abortion rights laws against abortion would be happening today instead laws ensuring abortion rights. There is no understanding inside Forced Birth as to why it is now losing.

An old adage in politics is, "First win the argument, then win the election." What is the argument in abortion? It is this. Women who have unwanted pregnancies face, among all the other things in their lives like other children and a jerk for a man, huge expenses. That is, anti abortion laws take money from women. It is the money for giving birth, the $100-$200K to raise a child and money lost from missing work. Both Forced Birth and abortion rights sides agree when women give birth they are out lots of money. Neither side can deny this fact.

The Force Birth side, however, can only put up one argument. It is that the fetus since it was one cell is a human being. That argument is considered wrong by some, possible but doubtful by others but absolutely true by Forced Birthers. The standoff, then, is that Forced Birth is taking money from women. That is an agreed upon fact. In return, it has only a proposition that all parties do not agree upon as fact.

The link has comments by those who make a living in the Forced Birth industry. They assure supporters that if supporters send them enough money they will be able to turn their controversial argument into a fact both parties agree is fact. These operatives have been awash with money for decades and it can be argued today they are worse off than ever before. While those who have been sending Forced Birth money all these years are gullible, are they still gullible enough to believe more of their money will move the needle? 

Force Birth does not want the dispute with abortion rights to be presented in this stark and undeniable way. It is unavoidable. Forced Birth is not now in a position to win the argument. Until they can find a way to win the argument they will continue to lose in politics.


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