Why do Catholics Fight Among Themselves

It's easy to generalize about who runs the Catholic Church and how. It is run by the Pope and his Bishops the claim is made. The history of the U.S. Catholic church, however, is one of very different Catholic groups. The Catholic faith arrived from different parts of the world and different times in the U.S. each setting up shop to reflect where and when they arrived. Each had a different history. These differences set the stage for the disagreements that remain in the faith today. Early on Spanish armies forced Catholicism on native people in Mexico and the states of California, New Mexico and Texas. The thrust of this Catholic brand was the Virgin of Guadalupe. Later the French version came to the Midwest and this version was different than that of the Southwest and West. Still later came the version from England and Ireland that landed on the East coast. Still later was a wave of immigrants from Germany and Ireland. Today 1/5 of the U.S. are Catholic. Those who are Democrats h...