Biden, the "American Catholic"

It is entertaining to read all the various views about Biden's Catholicism. He seems not interested in debating "what is right" or what others think his version of Catholic dogma but instead attends mass regularly and claims to have the faith on his mind often. 

Those Catholics hand wringers about his advocacy of abortion rights and gay rights say this proves he is not a "real Catholic." He is instead someone who is influenced by the prevailing culture. He wants individuals to have rights and those rights should be placed before the "teaching" of the church critics claim. 

The link carries on that Biden is "an American Catholic." This priority of the individual over the faith is a weakness, the link claims, of Catholicism on this continent. What foolishness it is to believe the "American Catholicism" comes from a self centered and selfish source while the "real Catholic faith" comes from somewhere that is more important and on a higher plain. The "real Catholic faith" comes from the same place as Biden's "American Catholic faith," the human mind. Both exist for the same single purpose, to serve the person.

It's curious the link author claims Biden's liberal views on abortion and gay rights is a version of Catholicism called "American Catholicism." It is also the version European Catholicism, or, perhaps Northern European Catholicism. Liberal Catholicism exists where people are liberal. That is wherever it fits the local cultural values. Protestant denominations also bend to conform to local values and change to fit current times. 

It would be wise for critics of Biden's Catholic views to be at least a bit introspective. Could it be Biden, not his critics, has the most correct Catholic views and values? The fact is both Biden and his Catholic critics are right. Most anything about Christianity is right because there is no ultimate source for the faith. It is something made up as history moves along.

It's a refreshing development to have Biden as President allowing other Catholic to know they can thumb their noses at the rigid hierarchy of clergy.


  1. Jon,

    Apparently catholic Catholics, as in liberal, indiscriminate, undogmatic, open-minded, and tolerant Catholics, are faux Catholics. The linked article by a member of the Federalist Society, the Catholic Bar Association, and several other Catholic organizations reads like a thinly veiled political screed. The terms “liberal” or “liberalism” appear some 30 times, “conservative” a paltry 6 times. Roll them L’s buddy. Dogmatic consistency in matters of religion, politics and culture is required in his view, and of course, dropping the little envelopes in the plate every sabbath counts too. The True Faith is not a buffet. But if Americans are one thing, they are inconsistent. It’s in the nations DNA.

    What was refreshing is that this guy avoided some of the usual nonsense like The 45th got screwed, the COVID pandemic is a “plandemic” and the January 6th insurrection was a cry for bipartisanship.

    Old Joe has got an uphill battle politically but I feel assured he is sincere in his catholic Catholic faith.


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