Doubters about Sexual Abuse Coverup by Bishops, Here's Your Evidence

The Bishop of the Crookston Diocese has resigned due to his cover up of sexual abuse. The Diocese has already paid out millions of dollars to victims. I know someone who received a substantial payment from the Diocese. All the while there have been deniers, even here on this blog, that sexual abuse was going on and that it was being covered up. It was.

I know a priest in the Red River Valley who early on did not think wide spread abuse could have happened. He said confessions are required of priests and they would have told superiors and it would have been stopped immediately. That priests, or anyone else, would reveal secrets in confession is part of the mythology and imagination of the Catholic Church. Is the point of confession that people are made better by lying to a priest?

I would guess every state in the U.S. has now had cases of both priests who sexually abused and Bishops who covered it up by moving priests from on diocese to another. The Catholic Church has paid out nearly four billion dollars in settlements for these cases. While the Catholic hierarchy owns some businesses and commercial property that has been used to come up with the four billion, there has to have been countless millions and maybe a billion or two that came from people in the pews. What irony that those who donated thought the money they gave was to save souls when large sums ended up to fund the sins those same priests preached about. 

I've written here before about the Arch Bishop of New York who was Bishop of Milwaukee. While in Milwaukee he tried to move $57 million from the Diocese to a cemetery trust fund. He wanted the money to be out of reach from abuse victims. The court did not allow this ruse and the Milwaukee Diocese filed for bankruptcy. Anyone who claims the Catholic Church is some kind of "leader" in moral values is ignoring its moral failures.

The Catholic Church, various Protestant churches and some Christians make pronouncements on moral issues. Now might be a good time to discontinue this practice. 


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