Anti Abortions Politics Must Solve These Issues

There are problems anti abortion politics needs to solve if it is ever going to amount to anything. So far the strategy is to never discuss these problems and hope no one else brings them up. Let's bring them up today. One is the hundreds of thousands of frozen fertilized human eggs stored facilities that provide this service. Only a tiny fraction of them will ever be placed inside women attempting to become pregnant. The link , written by an anti abortion zealot, refers to each of these microscopic bits of tissue as "individual human beings." Eventually, those who have been paying for the freezer space will die or stop paying. Besides shouting protests, what are anti abortion cranks doing about this? I've not read of any fund drive to pay for the freezer space. Maybe instead of protesting at women's clinics anti abortion operatives could get jobs to pay for this service. An endowment for hundreds or thousands of years is needed. Of course, it is more fun ...