Post Modernism Allows Christian Support of Trump
Post modernism is often pointed at as the enemy of Christianity. There is some truth to that. Post modernism is, at least somewhat, the enemy of conformity.
A case can be made that a conservative branch of the faith took advantage of "let's have variety" and chose to support a President steeped in sin. If "anything goes" outside of Christianity maybe "anything goes" inside is okay too.
Some would say Christian doctrine requires a leader to by morally upright. The President does not fit that bill in several ways. But in post modernism morally upright can have dozens of definitions and the President might meet one of them.
A synonym for post modernism is chaos. It is the opposite of order. The Protestant branch of the faith put the denomination's name on the sign in from of the Church. Now the denomination, if there is one, is hidden from view. Instead there is a hodge podge of church names.
This variety of brand names reflects a variety of new ways to call one's self a Christian. It allows churches in bars as well as Christians who act un Christian.
Some of our founding fathers are quoted as saying Christianity is sort of a glue that holds society together. They meant that while people disagree about many things they can all worship the same God on Sunday morning. This thought is repeated today.
The problem with this notion is that Christianity itself has become so varied it is no longer a glue. The faith is contributing to the chaos of postmodernism.
As the link says, religion provides no third party adjudication to decide what is a religious truth. New religions form everyday and old ones die. The is no law against some group claiming the President is morally upright nor any law against condemning that group as heretics.
From the link: “the truth or authenticity of religious doctrines and belief matter less than the function they serve to stabilize an individual’s sense of identity as part of a traditionalist political order.” It’s interesting to hear right-wing evangelical zealots disparage the identity politics of the LGBTQ community even as they themselves practice their own version of the same. Some are so entranced by their anointed one, Mr Trump, that they have elevated him from a fallen demagogue to a redeemed demigod. They fear the waning social privilege and influence historically enjoyed by Christians. Their own brand of "Trump Derangement" and pompous political animosity compels them. Statistically many of them have LGBT family members and given the right circumstance abortion is never out of the question. Trump is an organ of resentment. Daily he spits his corrosive venom methodically digesting our evolving democratic intentions only to feed his rabid political base. If the insult ‘snowflake’ refers to someone who believes they are as unique and special as a snowflake; someone hypersensitive to insult or offense; someone who is overly sensitive and feeling entitled to special treatment or consideration. Well then, their surrogate avenger Trump is the most “fantastic”, “terrific”, “tremendous”, and “greatest” example of a ‘snowflake’, ever.
ReplyDelete"their own version of the same." Well said.
DeleteRe. Post Modernism; your "A conservative branch of the faith took advantage...yada yada; A better term would be " Reactionary Subjective Opportunism". I too have noticed once former denominations which had their denomination clearly stated on their sign by the street now have ambiguous signs such as Quivering waters Church, Singing Hills Assembly, etc. Concerned the public would know just who they were associated with. (Ashamed) one may say, so as not to offend anyone, and grow the membership. Getting close to emperor worship. Just saw a couple days ago; Guess who, looking up to the sky; saying; "I AM THE CHOSEN ONE". ZAAP!
Deletere: Quivering waters, Singing Hills... I was searching names of churches here and came across one you would like: Team Jesus of Iowa
ReplyDeleteI have a young relative deeply involved in a church I've been trying to figure out. Poking around today I think I understand. It's name is "The Salt Company." It grew out of a Southern Baptist Convention affiliate in Ames, IA. It plants churches (groups in rented places) next to campuses with large numbers of students. It also has sort of a mother denomination for families called "Cornerstone Church." I'm not sure of the relationship of Cornerstone with SBC because "The Salt Company" is shown as affiliated with both churches in Ames. My theory is "The Salt Company" is a way to offset number loss at SBC by relaxing rules of alcohol and living together before marriage, maybe the gay thing also. My relative got married in the Cornerstone Church with lots of churchiness--he was a youth minister at the church. Afterwards at the reception there was free beer.
DeletePlenty room there for many a post modernist.
Delete"..for many a post modernist." Well said. I forgot to mention about The Salt Company which is starting these young people churches near campuses they are really big into modern religious music. My relative plays an electric guitar as well as doing youth work and preaching some. I can put in a good word for an accordion player I know :)
DeleteThey would only appreciate a minor mode.