A Right Wing Christian Politician Tells Us Cause of Shootings
Representative Candice Keller from a district south of Dayton, Ohio, has told us the causes of the mass shootings. There were five: drag queens, gay marriage, breakdown in family values, open borders and Barrack Obama.
This brilliant insight follows a tradition of powerful thinkers. In 2001, right after the 9/11 attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. Jerry Falwell was a guest on Pat Robertson's TV show. Falwell blamed the 9/11 attacks on pagans, abortions, feminists and gays and lesbians. Robertson agreed.
For some reason, atheists were not blamed for either the shootings or 9/11. Maybe it is so obvious they are guilty it was not worth mentioning. Readers need to be reminded that most everyday there is a article about how Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. No one mentioned Christians as the cause of either events.
There are Christian pundits proclaiming the shooting "is the work of Satan." That is convenient because Satan is invisible and, unlike gun laws, cannot be changed.
So what is the cause of these constant shootings? I don't know but I'm sure it is not drag queens, gay marriage, Satan, family values or pagans. My guess is many of them could be prevented.
Prevention would require not only monitoring gun ownership but flooding every public gathering and school with trained uniformed officers. Most every problem can be solved with enough money and in this case it is tax money.
Another thing we can do is put these deaths into perspective. Compared to other places and reasons people die there are not that many deaths by shooters. The number in preventable car crashes, hospital errors and preventable illnesses swamps the shooter problem.
“Another thing we can do is put these deaths into perspective.” Ok. Caliber .223 killing spree. Six and seven year olds suffer inertial cavitation deformations sitting at their school desks. Hear their screams!