The Fetus is a Human Being, the Woman is Not
The uproar against required vaccinations reveals something in the U.S. psychic. It is that people here do not want the government giving them orders about their own personal bodies. The most aggressive resistance to vaccinations has been from the political right. It is exactly the political group that wants to take over the bodies of pregnant women. I've seen Christian sites that explain why it is the fetus must be treated as human being and the woman not. It is because women who want abortions are bad and fetuses have not sinned. What a minute. Doesn't the Bible say we are born sinners? And, is not a fertilized cell the birth of a sinful human being? Maybe a little background in logical thinking would help clear the fog of those in abortion prohibition. I have never read an abortion prohibition explanation of the rights of pregnant women. The only "right" pregnant women have is to increase the risk to their lives by giving birth. Taking over the bodies of pregnant w...